Monthly Archives: October 2023

Faced with terrorist attacks, how can we protect teachers?

Faced with terrorist attacks, how can we protect teachers?

Three years after the death of Samuel Paty , history-geography professor killed leaving his college in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine (Yvelines), the assassination this Friday, October 13, 2023 of Dominique Bernard, French professor in the city Gambetta-Carnot school in Arras once again opens up the question of the protections to be provided in educational establishments, in particular for teachers who can suffer […] … learn more→

Learn how to ask for money

Learn how to ask for money

Despite the fact that grantseeking is an embedded part of contemporary academic life, researchers are often unpractised and insecure about asking for money. They may feel the awkwardness of asking for money, or uncertainty about the value of their ideas or track record as a researcher. We can reassure you that this feeling is common. […] … learn more→

A monumental advance: the first atlas of human brain cells

A monumental advance: the first atlas of human brain cells

The brain, that intricate network of almost one hundred billion neurons and the same number of non-neuronal cells – astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, among others – has captivated and challenged the scientific community for centuries. To understand how neural circuits allow us to get excited by the smell of a perfume, feel empathy or display complex […] … learn more→

School suspensions entrench disadvantage. What are the alternatives and how have they worked overseas?

School suspensions entrench disadvantage. What are the alternatives and how have they worked overseas?

Suspension from school is meant to be a last resort for serious problem behaviour. Despite that, an alarming number of children are suspended every year, often at young ages, for minor reasons. Indigenous children, those with a disability, and/or those living in out-of-home care are grossly over-represented. So what are the alternatives to suspension and how have they worked […] … learn more→

Why do school books hide Spain's slave past in America?

Why do school books hide Spain’s slave past in America?

There are mythical stories that constitute an essential part of the master narratives and the national imagination. And there are historical investigations that have great difficulty finding their place in education and in public memory . This is the case of Spain’s role in the slave economy from 1500 to 1886, which still struggles to tear down the wall […] … learn more→

Medical-psychological cells  : how do they help students after a traumatic event?

Medical-psychological cells : how do they help students after a traumatic event?

The school environment, like the rest of society, is regularly confronted with violence and serious events with a strong traumatic impact . Brutally exposed to a threat to their physical or psychological integrity, to a mortal risk for themselves or others, or even to the spectacle of a horrible death, the subjects involved can experience an experience of […] … learn more→

The hidden risks of buy now, pay later: What shoppers need to know

The hidden risks of buy now, pay later: What shoppers need to know

Buy now, pay later is a relatively new form of financial technology that allows consumers to purchase an item immediately and repay the balance at a later time in instalments. Unlike applying for a credit card, buy now, pay later doesn’t require a credit check. Instead, these programs use algorithms to perform “soft” credit checks to determine a shopper’s eligibility. This means […] … learn more→

This engineering course has students use their brainwaves to create performing art

This engineering course has students use their brainwaves to create performing art

Title of course: “Arts and Geometry” What prompted the idea for the course? After a serious injury in 2016, I started drawing and painting during my recovery as a form of self-taught art therapy. I found the experience transformative. During my recovery, I rediscovered Pablo Picasso’s artwork and the geometry of his cubism, which inspired […] … learn more→

Fewer students, more quality in education?

Fewer students, more quality in education?

For the fourth consecutive year, demographic data indicate a notable drop in birth rates in Spain . If this represents a long-term structural trend, can we think that education budgets will suffer a significant decrease? Can some logic be established between spending on education and the number of schoolchildren? Would it be acceptable that a decrease in the number of […] … learn more→

Cars are a ‘privacy nightmare on wheels’. Here’s how they get away with collecting and sharing your data

Cars are a ‘privacy nightmare on wheels’. Here’s how they get away with collecting and sharing your data

Cars with internet-connected features are fast becoming all-seeing data-harvesting machines – a so-called “privacy nightmare on wheels”, according to US-based research conducted by the Mozilla Foundation. The researchers looked at the privacy terms of 25 car brands, which were found to collect a range of customer data, from facial expressions, to sexual activity, to when, where and how […] … learn more→