Seven out of ten children and adolescents between 10 and 15 years old have a mobile phone in Spain, according to the latest data from the Spanish Statistics Institute (INE)< a i=2>. Our recent study shows that 60% of them do not have rules at home for their use. Both realities (children and adolescents with mobile phones […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: December 2023

Most adolescents do not have rules for using their cell phones and they need them

Maths: the “Singapore method”, cure or mirage?
Tuesday December 5, 2023, communicating on the results of French students in the international PISA survey, the Minister of National Education Gabriel Attal proposed revising primary school curricula to gradually adopt the Singapore method, seen as a remedy for the “level” considered too low in mathematics. Can the objective of improving the performance of French students […] … learn more→

Why universities warrant public investment: Preparing students for living together well
A recent report noting that funding for Ontario’s universities is “low when compared with support in other provinces” points to underfunding as a serious problem in the province’s post-secondary sector. Funding quickly raises the question of value: what is it that universities offer that warrants public investment? UWindsor sincerely appreciates the insight and dedicated leadership of the Blue-Ribbon Panel on Postsecondary […] … learn more→

Why federal efforts to protect schools from cybersecurity threats fall short
In August 2023, the White House announced a plan to bolster cybersecurity in K-12 schools – and with good reason. Between 2018 and mid-September 2023, there were 386 recorded cyberattacks in the U.S. education sector and cost those schools $35.1 billion. K-12 schools were the primary target. The new White House initiative includes a collaboration with federal agencies that […] … learn more→

‘Practically perfect’: why the media’s focus on ‘top’ Year 12 students needs to change
You may be familiar with the popular TikTok trend, #ATARreaction. You see the face of a Year 12 student logging on to their computer, then they wait a few moments before they collapse in tears, relief and celebration. You have just witnessed them receive their final results. It is Year 12 results season around Australia. […] … learn more→

Google’s Gemini AI hints at the next great leap for the technology: analysing real-time information
Google has launched Gemini, a new artificial intelligence (AI) system that can seemingly understand and talk intelligently about almost any kind of prompt – pictures, text, speech, music, computer code and much more. This type of AI system is known as a multimodal model. It’s a step beyond just being able to handle text or images as previous […] … learn more→

Wales’s Pisa school test results have declined – but it’s not a true reflection of an education system
Every three years, an early Christmas gift arrives for the global education community from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The Programme for International Student Assessments (Pisa) is an international test in which 15 year olds are tested on their knowledge and skills. It relegates those far below the Pisa top ten as […] … learn more→

We reviewed the arguments for and against ‘high-stakes’ exams. The evidence for using them doesn’t stack up
Across Australia, students are receiving and digesting important exam results. University students began receiving their semester 2 results at the end of November. This week and early next week, Year 12 students are also receiving their final marks. Love them or loathe them, exams have featured prominently in education for centuries. For almost as long, debate has raged about whether […] … learn more→

How Christmas music in adverts and shops harnesses nostalgia to encourage you to spend more
In my research, I have spent a good deal of time speaking with people from across the world about their relationship with sound and music – how it features in their everyday lives and how it influences their attitudes and behaviour. One of the most consistent findings is that, irrespective of culture or place, we are […] … learn more→

Can video games help combat unwanted social attitudes?
The effect of video games on the social, affective and cognitive development of children and adolescents is of concern since they have become one of the main forms of entertainment at an early age. As an extreme case, the Chinese government limits minors’ access to video games, although with little success . The addiction of young people to video […] … learn more→