Monthly Archives: September 2024

How accent bias can impact a person’s job prospects

How accent bias can impact a person’s job prospects

As anyone who has looked for a job can tell you, finding one isn’t the easiest process. This experience can be even more challenging if you’re new to a country and speak with what is perceived to be a “foreign” accent. An accent can often impact how we are viewed and judged by others. Despite being […] … learn more→

Online classrooms where students run the show: we tested how this unconventional model can work

Online classrooms where students run the show: we tested how this unconventional model can work

The Zoom meeting window opens, immediately revealing scores of smiling or anxious faces. Some people have quirky backgrounds; some are in the same room as friends and family, who appear occasionally on camera. The South African and Swedish students are running out of ambient light, since it’s just gone 5pm in their time zones. Their […] … learn more→

Why is it not urgent to incorporate artificial intelligence into teaching?

Why is it not urgent to incorporate artificial intelligence into teaching?

The rise of generative artificial intelligence has inevitably affected education. On the one hand, there are all the problems related to the inappropriate use of this technology (for example, to do assignments). On the other hand, there are teachers who have another legitimate concern: shouldn’t I already be using it in my classes? The answer […] … learn more→

How to do a political analysis of a film?

How to do a political analysis of a film?

Committed or militant, cinema can be so in a thousand ways: by the choice of a subject, the production policy, the type of editing chosen, or even according to the team that wrote or directed it. But between the intentions that govern the making of a cinematographic object and the way it is received, there […] … learn more→

Hustle academies: west Africa’s online scammers are training others in fraud and sextortion

Hustle academies: west Africa’s online scammers are training others in fraud and sextortion

As the world becomes increasingly connected, digital fraud has evolved from a local problem into a global one. West Africa, particularly Ghana and Nigeria, is witnessing the rise of “hustle kingdoms” – informal academies that train individuals to carry out digital scams. The term “hustle kingdoms” originated from online scammers themselves, used to describe their training centres. These environments are glorified […] … learn more→

Should you introduce your children to AI?

Should you introduce your children to AI?

Whilst it was once a distant concept from a futuristic world, artificial intelligence (AI) is now becoming ever more integrated within modern society. From personal assistants on our mobile devices and in our homes, to academic and professional AI-driven shortcuts and tools, it seems impossible to avoid using AI at some point in our lives. […] … learn more→

The importance of a clean learning environment for children

The importance of a clean learning environment for children

An often overlooked element of providing children with a strong education is the environment in which they learn. We focus on the teachers and the curriculum but not necessarily on where the students are learning. Ignoring a student’s environment is a mistake, as it can have a big impact on their overall ability to learn […] … learn more→

Fewer college students indicate they are nonbinary amid backlash

Fewer college students indicate they are nonbinary amid backlash

The national backlash against trans and nonbinary young people may have led fewer nonbinary students to disclose their gender identity in their applications to college for this fall. That is according to my analysis of how students who applied to college through the Common App identified their gender. The Common App is a good barometer because more than 1 million students […] … learn more→

Doctors are also human: specialist medical education requires a humanistic approach

Doctors are also human: specialist medical education requires a humanistic approach

The death of a doctor named Aulia Risma , who was studying for the Specialist Doctor Education Program (PPDS), has reopened the dark veil of education that occurs in the medical community. Moreover, what happened to Aulia Risma is not the first time it has happened. In 2020 , a PPDS student also ended his life with strong […] … learn more→