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How the creation of department stores helped empower women

How the creation of department stores helped empower women

La Samaritaine has just reopened its doors in Paris. Founded in 1860, it is one of the city’s historic brands, along with the Bon Marché (1838), the oldest department store in the capital. These commercial temples became, from the middle of the XIX th  century, the freedom oasis for women, who have found a place where they could finally […] … learn more→

The Top 5 website design online tools to help you design faster

The Top 5 website design online tools to help you design faster

Web designing tools help you with testing, mockup, frameworks, and various other things. But the web design online tools can boost creativity and streamline your workflow as well. There are so many different designing tools that are currently available these days. Most web design online tools are completely free, but some come with monthly, quarterly […] … learn more→

Every type of business communication, explained

Every type of business communication, explained

Communication is easily the most important skill for anyone looking to get into business. If you cannot put your thoughts into words that others can understand and act upon, you won’t find success at any level of an organization because you won’t be able to work with fellow employees successfully or effectively give direction to […] … learn more→

How to properly prepare for a networking career

How to properly prepare for a networking career

As someone with a keen interest in technology, you know you want a job in this rapidly growing industry. After considering your many options, you’ve decided to pursue computer networking as a career. If you’re not already familiar, computer networking involves setting up, developing and maintaining computer networks, including both hardware and software. This type […] … learn more→

All risks exchanging BTS to BTC

All risks exchanging BTS to BTC

Bitcoin is the first, the most popular and expensive cryptocurrency. It has the unofficial status of “cryptogold”. For the first few years, all new currencies were based on the Bitcoin blockchain. The cryptocurrency is constantly falling and rising so that you can play and win, play and lose, but you need to understand that this […] … learn more→

Academic freedom is paramount for universities. They can do more to protect it from China’s interference

Academic freedom is paramount for universities. They can do more to protect it from China’s interference

A report from Human Rights Watch released yesterday found students and academics critical of China’s Communist Party are being harassed and intimidated by supporters of Beijing. Human Rights Watch interviewed 24 pro-democracy students from mainland China and Hong Kong, and 22 academics at Australian universities. In three verified cases, families of students in Australia who lived in […] … learn more→

Is Facebook advertising really worth it?

Is Facebook advertising really worth it?

Facebook advertising is a great way to promote your business, but many people are hesitant about spending their money on it. The truth is that Facebook advertising works wonders for many businesses and has proven to be worth the investment time and again. Agencies like Local Digital have even made advertising on Facebook easier. This […] … learn more→

Superforecasters: what pandemic planners can learn from the world’s best predictors

Superforecasters: what pandemic planners can learn from the world’s best predictors

Experts got it catastrophically wrong, according to Dominic Cummings, UK prime minister Boris Johnson’s former chief adviser. Cummings has argued that the UK government’s official scientific advice in March 2020 hugely misunderstood how the pandemic would play out, leading to a delay in locking down that cost thousands of lives. According to Cummings, it was certain specialists […] … learn more→

Employees are feeling burned over broken work-from-home promises and corporate culture ‘BS’ as employers try to bring them back to the office

Employees are feeling burned over broken work-from-home promises and corporate culture ‘BS’ as employers try to bring them back to the office

As vaccinations and relaxed health guidelines make returning to the office a reality for more companies, there seems to be a disconnect between managers and their workers over remote work. A good example of this is a recent op-ed written by the CEO of a Washington, D.C., magazine that suggested workers could lose benefits like health care if they insist on […] … learn more→

Tesla’s Bitcoin about-face is a warning for cryptocurrencies that ignore climate change

Tesla’s Bitcoin about-face is a warning for cryptocurrencies that ignore climate change

Over the weekend, Tesla chief executive Elon Musk suggested his company could sell off its Bitcoin holdings, sending the cryptocurrency plummeting. It followed Musk’s announcement earlier this month that his company would no longer accept Bitcoin in payment for its electric cars, due to the fossil fuels needed to create the digital currency. Bitcoin is created via high-powered computers […] … learn more→