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How new business owners can prepare to expand their  company

How new business owners can prepare to expand their company

up your business and watching it grow is one of the most satisfying accomplishments you can ever have. Having a successful business isn’t easy, so give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done. Once you’ve seen enough of a profit, you can then shift your focus to expanding your small company. […] … learn more→

What social media regulation could look like: Think of pipelines, not utilities

What social media regulation could look like: Think of pipelines, not utilities

Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter, and his controversial statements and decisions as its owner, have fueled a new wave of calls for regulating social media companies. Elected officials and policy scholars have argued for years that companies like Twitter and Facebook – now Meta – have immense power over public discussions and can use that power to elevate some views and suppress others. […] … learn more→

Top tips to advance your career and develop new skills

Top tips to advance your career and develop new skills

Career advancement can be a long and challenging process that involves transitioning from Career advancemententry-level jobs to leadership roles with greater responsibilities. Finding opportunities to progress in your career journey can provide job satisfaction and personal fulfilment. It is important to identify the best ways to develop new skills and advance your career successfully. Depending on […] … learn more→

Why send future managers on worker internships

Why send future managers on worker internships

Her name is Laura and she dismantles refrigerated truck tires at Petit Forestier in Rungis. His name is Louis and he is a garbage collector at SEPUR. He has an appointment at his warehouse in Bondy at 4:45 a.m. every morning, because the garbage truck that sets off at 5 a.m. won’t wait for him. Their names are […] … learn more→

Contemporary ways to encourage autonomy in the work place

Contemporary ways to encourage autonomy in the work place

Autonomy at work allows employees to take more initiative in the workplace and gives them the freedom to work in the most suitable way. Employees get their jobs done with workplace autonomy without a manager looking over their shoulders. Positive reinforcement and assigning more responsibilities are some ways to encourage autonomy at work. Modern technology […] … learn more→

5 ways to create a compassionate workplace culture and help workers recover from burnout

5 ways to create a compassionate workplace culture and help workers recover from burnout

We live in tumultuous times which can create an added layer of uncertainty for employees who need to build relationships with students, patients or clients. Providing calm, confident and warm emotional labour can be difficult for people experiencing burnout, grief or compassion fatigue. I have been studying the impact of compassion fatigue and burnout, as well as the […] … learn more→

What does the Bitcoin Blockchain record?

What does the Bitcoin Blockchain record?

In an age of digitization and easy-to-use software, blockchain technology is poised to change how interactions happen among manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, retailers and consumers. For example, you can visit to get 100% control your money while trading in bitcoin. In addition, blockchain will standardize data processes in business management and eliminate waste while simultaneously […] … learn more→

How to boost employee morale and keep them engaged

How to boost employee morale and keep them engaged

Employee morale is a hot topic these days. Every other week there’s a new story in the news about another company suffering from low employee morale. From Apple to Amazon, no company is immune to the problem. Unfortunately, this can lead to a vicious cycle. Low employee morale leads to disengagement, leading to even lower […] … learn more→