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New research shows small lifestyle changes are linked to differences in teen mental health over time

New research shows small lifestyle changes are linked to differences in teen mental health over time

Judging by recent headlines and policy ideas, you might think screen time is the only lifestyle behaviour influencing teen wellbeing. But with young people struggling to deal with mounting mental health issues, it’s crucial we don’t get tunnel vision and instead remember all the lifestyle levers that can play a role. Our research, published today, tracked Australian high school students […] … learn more→

How to improve patient recruitment for cinical trials

How to improve patient recruitment for cinical trials

Successful medical research and developing new medicines depend on finding the right patients for clinical trials. In this article, we have discussed ten key ways to improve patient recruitment process, covering everything from finding the right people and creating compelling ads to using technology and working closely with healthcare providers. If you’re looking for ways […] … learn more→

Is social media making you unhappy? The answer is not so simple

Is social media making you unhappy? The answer is not so simple

You may have seen headlines that link social media to sadness and depression. Social media use goes up, happiness goes down. But recent studies suggest those findings might not be so straightforward. Although it is true that people’s feelings of envy and depression are linked to high social media use, there is evidence to suggest […] … learn more→

Surgeon general’s call for warning labels on social media underscores concerns for teen mental health

Surgeon general’s call for warning labels on social media underscores concerns for teen mental health

Amid growing concerns over the effects of social media on teen mental health, on June 17, 2024, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy called for warning labels to be added to social media platforms, similar to surgeon general warnings on cigarettes and alcohol. Murphy’s warning cited research showing that teens who use more than three hours of social media a […] … learn more→

The effects of alcohol on Mental Health

The effects of alcohol on Mental Health

There is a growing emphasis on caring for individuals’ mental health, and many companies, educational institutions, and other industries are working towards improving it. That being said, many people turn to alcohol to find the peace of mind they so desperately try to attain. In pursuit of this attainment, many turn toward alcohol consumption. Consuming […] … learn more→

Social media warning labels and school cell phone bans: Do they unlock better youth mental health?

Social media warning labels and school cell phone bans: Do they unlock better youth mental health?

This week, the U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy called for health warnings on social media for younger users. This recent call follows an earlier Advisory on Social Media and Youth Mental Health, also published by the Surgeon General. Health warnings on social media would be analogous to the ones seen on cigarette packages, serving as reminders to […] … learn more→

When Others Are Hell: How to Identify and Manage Social Anxiety

When Others Are Hell: How to Identify and Manage Social Anxiety

Marta is a 20-year-old student who has always been shy. But that shyness has intensified so much that it sometimes interferes with everyday activities. Since high school, she began to experience an overwhelming fear of being judged negatively by her peers and teachers. Now, at university, Marta feels extremely anxious when she knows she will […] … learn more→

Key Insights: Reusable Elastomeric Respirators

Key Insights: Reusable Elastomeric Respirators

At the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic, there was a significant scarcity of disposable N95 respirators, which required healthcare staff to adopt unusual steps to increase their supply. On the other hand, there are respiratory protection products that are designed to be reused and have filter effectiveness equivalent to, if not higher than, disposable N95 […] … learn more→

Latest news on the scientific search for eternal youth

Latest news on the scientific search for eternal youth

Currently, there is enormous scientific interest in understanding the aging process in order to slow it down or even avoid it. Large corporations are hiring leading researchers from around the world for significant sums of money to delve into this hot field of cellular rejuvenation. It is a mission that can be compared to the […] … learn more→