Blog Archives

Princeton continues progress on sustainability goals, enters new phase of plan

Princeton University\’s greenhouse gas emissions have remained below 2008 levels for three years, and campus water usage and landfill waste each have declined by 13 percent since 2006. These key achievements are noted in the University\’s third annual Sustainability Report, published online. According to the report, the University continued to make significant progress on sustainability […] … learn more→

Universities without borders: do we need campuses in the age of Open CourseWare?

Universities pride themselves on the quality of their teaching. They spruik superior teachers, superior facilities, superior learning experiences, superior learning outcomes. High scores on these four criteria will attract superior students, leading to a superior upwards spiral. But what happens if open access is provided to that exclusive property? Could open learning co-exist with the […] … learn more→

i-HE: Back to the future

Technology can be a tricky thing to handle. You might know how to make iPads, but that does not necessarily mean that you know how to use them. Universities are another case: they are the primary source of technological innovation but less good at making the leap to apply it to what they do best […] … learn more→

Why aren’t we using Google+?

Features are not friends. That’s the simple message to Google+ from 40 University of Queensland students after using the system since its invite-only launch in July. To say the service’s fortunes to date have been up and down is an understatement. Google+ is recording dramatic rollercoaster metrics. Initial growth seemed strong: some 10 million users […] … learn more→

Does rote learning poems bring comfort and strengthen identity?

From the poetic anthologies called (1698) to ‘Pills to Purge Melancholy\’ and \’The Merry Companion or a Cure for the Spleen’ (1730) to AA Milne\’s declaration that \’poetry and hums aren\’t things which you get, they\’re things which get you\’, it has long been thought that poetry makes you feel better. The initial findings of […] … learn more→

Shalom Goldman: Teaching with sacred stories

In the beginning, Shalom Goldman didn\’t have much of a future. Goldman began studying comparative religions while a University of Wisconsin undergrad in the early 1970s, a time when that field was considered less than a growth market. Religion was an internal thing then, a relationship between you and your God, not something discussed as […] … learn more→

Canada: Partner of choice in international education

The Canadian university community AUCChas a long history of internationalisation through activities such as student mobility, research collaboration and international development cooperation. An international dimension to the student experience is becoming increasingly vital in order to provide graduates with the necessary skills for living and working in a global economy. Employers place a high value […] … learn more→