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Banned Books Awareness: “Ulysses”

The classic novel, “Ulysses,” by Irish author James Joyce, was published as a serial between 1918-1920, and then as a single volume in 1922 in France.  It celebrated its 90th birthday on February 2. Widely-regarded as one of the greatest novels of all time, it even initiated the creation of an international holiday, Bloomsday, celebrated […] … learn more→

Shall we talk about whales and whaling?

“Of course, it is in a remote place,” said a lady at a tourist information centre, slightly frowning. I was a little paralysed with her reaction as it was not in the context of what I said before her words. In the early November last year, I was in Albany, WA. As many of you, […] … learn more→

Global economy expanded more slowly than expected in 2011

Eco-Economy Indicators are twelve trends that the Earth Policy Institute tracks to measure progress in building a sustainable economy. Given the way the world now does business, economic growth is a measure of the mounting pressure on the environment. The global economy grew 3.8 percent in 2011, a drop from 5.2 percent in 2010. Economists […] … learn more→

Could there be a revolution in Greece?

So the deal is this: the EU and the IMF have demanded that Greece put in place austerity measures in return for a 130 billion euro bailout. That\’s £110 billion and $170 billion by the way. As the austerity measures in Greece have tightened, so the rate of suicides in the country have escalated, and […] … learn more→

Banned Books Awareness: “The Fat Years”

To \”rush through the yellow light\” is a reference to a common practice for the more daring Chinese journalists who write about sensitive topics before state officials flash the red light of censorship. That’s what happened to “The Fat Years,” a dystopian thriller by Chan Koon-Chung, which is now officially banned by the Chinese government. […] … learn more→

Banned Books Awareness: Revising history

Most people are familiar with the classic saying, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,\” uttered by George Santayana. He, himself, identified as an American and wrote exclusively in English, but the famous philosopher was born in Madrid and was a lifelong Spanish citizen even though he was raised and educated […] … learn more→

How bikes can save us

Today the car is king. Walking and pedalllng are consigned to the less convenient modes of transport. The price we pay is a large dent in our monthly budget. Research indicates that reversing that trend can produce wonderous results. … learn more→