Blog Archives

That blogging thing

That blogging thing

Blogs allow researchers to engage with a broad audience, including other researchers, in a less formal and more open way than traditional academic publishing. It provides an avenue to publish both research stories and expert commentary. Blogging in the academy is generally a labour of love. Most universities find it difficult to recognize blogging within […] … learn more→

Woke science: 3 Tips to boost the impact of research

Woke science: 3 Tips to boost the impact of research

We have a problem. Researchers make an astonishing 2 million contributions annually, but the majority of these end up just as academic papers and collect dust without ever being used to create change in our society. This is not just our problem, but broader society’s, too, since all of us lose if science continues to churn out studies without […] … learn more→

We must get beyond research management-by-numbers

We must get beyond research management-by-numbers

Very few aspects of our lives escape numerical evaluation for comparative purposes. Humanity’s current challenge is to keep Covid-19’s reproduction number, or R0, as low as possible to prevent its spread. This numerical fixation is certainly true of university research. Many measures of research output, quality and impact are used to guide recruitment, funding and […] … learn more→

Why the h-index is a bogus measure of academic impact

Why the h-index is a bogus measure of academic impact

Earlier this year, French physician and microbiologist Didier Raoult generated a media uproar over his controversial promotion of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19. The researcher has long pointed to his growing list of publications and high number of citations as an indication of his contribution to science, all summarized in his “h-index.” The controversy over his recent […] … learn more→

The systemic inequity of ‘letterhead bias’ in US law journals

The systemic inequity of ‘letterhead bias’ in US law journals

Publication credentials are known to heavily impact academic career progression. In this age of rankings and metrics, prestige matters. It would therefore be dispiriting to academics to find that journals perpetuate systemic biases that work to the detriment of colleagues at less prestigious institutions. But in US legal academia, it has long been suspected that […] … learn more→

After coronavirus, universities must collaborate with communities to support social transition

After coronavirus, universities must collaborate with communities to support social transition

COVID-19 comes with a set of pressing social challenges. These include environmental catastrophes such as the Australian droughts and bushfires, and the impending crisis of global warming. Social and health issues – include debilitating poverty, racial and income inequality, and chronic diseases – also loom large. In this turbulent environment, universities have an important role […] … learn more→

Shining a light on the dark side

Shining a light on the dark side

When I was awarded my PhD in medical research in 1991, going into business was not on my agenda. My aim was to make discoveries that would contribute to a body of knowledge on human health. Put simply, I wanted to make people’s lives better. I regarded the academic research environment, full of smart, inquisitive […] … learn more→

Scientific breakthroughs: it takes a village

Scientific breakthroughs: it takes a village

The greater prominence enjoyed by scientists during the Covid-19 pandemic has led to some individuals gaining a high profile – with the attendant praise and demonisation that this can bring. But these public figures are just the visible tip of a huge iceberg of effort taking place to combat the pandemic. To convert one bright […] … learn more→

Collaboration across disciplines makes it easier to solve problems (including  COVID-19 )

Collaboration across disciplines makes it easier to solve problems (including COVID-19 )

In this time of hoaxes and false news we miss ideas. The “good ideas” arise from knowledge, from reflection, from argumentation and from counter-argumentation. This is why cooperative and shared knowledge is so important. The concept of interdisciplinary refers to the study or activity that is carried out with the cooperation of various disciplines . The cooperation between different disciplines allows analyzing […] … learn more→