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AI could take your job, but it can also help you score a new one with these simple tips

AI could take your job, but it can also help you score a new one with these simple tips

It was once thought physical labour jobs would be the most at risk from the rise of artificial intelligence. But recent advances suggest we can expect disruption across a vast range of sectors, including knowledge-based industries. We certainly need to have conversations about how AI will change the future of work. But perhaps we should also look […] … learn more→

Generative AI like ChatGPT reveal deep-seated systemic issues beyond the tech industry

Generative AI like ChatGPT reveal deep-seated systemic issues beyond the tech industry

ChatGPT has cast long shadows over the media as the latest form of disruptive technology. For some, ChatGPT is a harbinger of the end of academic and scientific integrity, and a threat to white collar jobs and our democratic institutions. How concerned should we be about generative artificial intelligence (AI)? The developers of ChatGPT describe it as “a model… which interacts in a […] … learn more→

How amateur scientists are still helping make important discoveries

How amateur scientists are still helping make important discoveries

What images does science conjure up in your mind? You may well be visualising a laboratory, equations scrawled on a blackboard. Figures are surrounded by glassware filled with coloured liquids. Maybe someone, with a slightly furrowed brow, is hunched over a microscope. But what this scene fails to convey is that science isn’t about labs, […] … learn more→

The next phase of the internet is coming: Here’s what you need to know about Web3

The next phase of the internet is coming: Here’s what you need to know about Web3

The rapid growth of cryptocurrencies and virtual non-fungible tokens have dominated news headlines in recent years. But not many may see how these modish applications connect together in a wider idea being touted by some as the next iteration of the internet — Web3. There are many misconceptions surrounding this buzzy (and, frankly, fuzzy) term, including the conflation of […] … learn more→

Billions have been sunk into virtual reality. To make it worth it, the industry needs to grow beyond its walled gardens

Billions have been sunk into virtual reality. To make it worth it, the industry needs to grow beyond its walled gardens

Despite recent waves of Big Tech layoffs, billions of dollars have been sunk into virtual reality (VR) hardware and software over the past few years. For this investment to be worthwhile, the VR industry needs to achieve sustainability and growth. To do this, it will have to explore many different applications of VR technology, including manufacturing and social VR. Social VR is a […] … learn more→

Five emerging trends that could change our lives online

Five emerging trends that could change our lives online

The way we live our lives online is rapidly changing. Artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality and innovations such as blockchain – a kind of digital record for transactions — are set to transform the online world, affecting everything from social media to how people and businesses make money from their creativity. If you’re feeling confused […] … learn more→

Rejecting science has a long history – the pandemic showed what happens when you ignore this

Rejecting science has a long history – the pandemic showed what happens when you ignore this

Fear engulfed everyone during the pandemic. Yet when a vaccine became available, it was met with fierce resistance. Anti-vaccination crowds formed, and some of these groups argued this vaccine was against their religious beliefs. Many didn’t trust the scientists and their explanation for how they said the disease spread. A lot of people didn’t believe the vaccine […] … learn more→

Unlike with academics and reporters, you can’t check when ChatGPT’s telling the truth

Unlike with academics and reporters, you can’t check when ChatGPT’s telling the truth

Of all the reactions elicited by ChatGPT, the chatbot from the American for-profit company OpenAI that produces grammatically correct responses to natural-language queries, few have matched those of educators and academics. Academic publishers have moved to ban ChatGPT from being listed as a co-author and issue strict guidelines outlining the conditions under which it may be […] … learn more→