Blog Archives

Artificial intelligence can discriminate on the basis of race and gender, and also age

Artificial intelligence can discriminate on the basis of race and gender, and also age

We have accepted the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in complex processes — from health care to our daily use of social media — often without critical investigation, until it is too late. The use of AI is inescapable in our modern society, and it may perpetuate discrimination without its users being aware of any prejudice. […] … learn more→

The metaverse offers a future full of potential – for terrorists and extremists, too

The metaverse offers a future full of potential – for terrorists and extremists, too

The metaverse is coming. Like all technological innovation, it brings new opportunities and new risks. The metaverse is an immersive virtual reality version of the internet where people can interact with digital objects and digital representations of themselves and others, and can move more or less freely from one virtual environment to another. It can also involve […] … learn more→

How could the Big Bang arise from nothing?

How could the Big Bang arise from nothing?

“The last star will slowly cool and fade away. With its passing, the universe will become once more a void, without light or life or meaning.” So warned the physicist Brian Cox in the recent BBC series Universe. The fading of that last star will only be the beginning of an infinitely long, dark epoch. All […] … learn more→

Blue light filters for screens neither care for your eyes nor help you rest

Blue light filters for screens neither care for your eyes nor help you rest

We are continually bombarded with messages that warn that we are making excessive use of screens that directly affects our vision. There are many advertisements that urge us to use filters to block the blue light from these screens before it is too late. “It will improve your rest”, “It will reduce visual fatigue caused by electronic […] … learn more→

Our brain doesn't think (and yours, either)

Our brain doesn’t think (and yours, either)

“Human beings only use 10% of our brain.” “The brain of adults does not change.” “The reptilian brain is the one that governs the behavior of children.” “A person is more intelligent the more neurons he has.” Who among us has not ever heard these statements? And yet they are false. These are misinterpretations about the brain (” neuromyths “) that often permeate the […] … learn more→

Why improvisation is the future in an AI-dominated world

Why improvisation is the future in an AI-dominated world

In his autobiography, Miles Davis complained that classical musicians were like robots. He spoke from experience – he’d studied classical music at Juilliard and recorded with classical musicians even after becoming a world-renowned jazz artist. As a music professor at the University of Florida, which is transforming itself into an “AI university,” I often think […] … learn more→

Your smartphone is not making you dumber — digital tech can enhance our cognitive abilities

Your smartphone is not making you dumber — digital tech can enhance our cognitive abilities

Digital technology is ubiquitous. We have been increasingly reliant on smartphones, tablets and computers over the past 20 years, and this trend has been accelerating due to the pandemic. Conventional wisdom tells us that over-reliance on technology may take away from our ability to remember, pay attention and exercise self control. Indeed, these are important […] … learn more→

The technologies set to change the future of energy

The technologies set to change the future of energy

Due to increased demand for cleaner, more renewable energy, there continues to be a large amount of investment going into new technologies for the purpose of generating it. The 5 pieces of technology that are projected to have the greatest impact on the industry as a whole in the not too distant future are listed […] … learn more→

Female robots are the most human. Why ?

Female robots are the most human. Why ?

With the proliferation of female robots like Sophia, chatbots like Amelia , and the popularity of female virtual assistants like Siri (Apple), Alexa (Amazon) and Cortana (Microsoft), artificial intelligence seems to have a gender issue. This gender imbalance in AI is a strong trend that has drawn strong criticism in the media. Even UNESCO warns of the dangers of this […] … learn more→