Blog Archives

Web 3.0: the decentralised web promises to make the internet free again

Web 3.0: the decentralised web promises to make the internet free again

Have you recently considered deleting your Facebook account, boycotting Amazon or trying to find an alternative to Google? You wouldn’t be alone. The tech giants are invading our privacy, misusing our data, strangling economic growth and helping governments spy on us. Yet because these few companies own so many of the internet’s key services, it seems there is little people can do to avoid having to […] … learn more→

Artificial intelligence must know when to ask for human help

Artificial intelligence must know when to ask for human help

Artificial intelligence systems are powerful tools for businesses and governments to process data and respond to changing situations, whether on the stock market or on a battlefield. But there are still some things AI isn’t ready for. We are scholars of computer science working to understand and improve the ways in which algorithms interact with society. AI systems perform best when the […] … learn more→

IBM launches commercial quantum computing – we’re not ready for what comes next

IBM launches commercial quantum computing – we’re not ready for what comes next

IBM recently unveiled what it claimed was the world’s first commercial quantum computer. While the announcement of the Q System One wasn’t scientifically groundbreaking, the fact that IBM sees this as a commercial product that organisations (if not individuals) will want to use is an important breakthrough. IBM has taken a prototype technology that has existed in […] … learn more→

The next great leap forward? Combining robots with the Internet of Things

The next great leap forward? Combining robots with the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things is a popular vision of objects with internet connections sending information back and forth to make our lives easier and more comfortable. It’s emerging in our homes, through everything from voice-controlled speakers to smart temperature sensors. To improve our fitness, smart watches and Fitbits are telling online apps how much we’re moving around. And across entire cities, interconnected […] … learn more→

How will smart cars affect our driving habits?

How will smart cars affect our driving habits?

Earlier this year, California gave the green light for self-driving cars to be tested on public roads, essentially enabling AI-controlled vehicles to operate alongside those with humans at the wheel. It’s an exciting time for sure, but the reality of the situation is chilling for some of us. Technology has gradually played a bigger and […] … learn more→

Why battery-powered vehicles stack up better than hydrogen

Why battery-powered vehicles stack up better than hydrogen

Low energy efficiency is already a major problem for petrol and diesel vehicles. Typically, only 20% of the overall well-to-wheel energy is actually used to power these vehicles. The other 80% is lost through oil extraction, refinement, transport, evaporation, and engine heat. This low energy efficiency is the primary reason why fossil fuel vehicles are emissions-intensive, and […] … learn more→

Steps in explaining structural analysis of a beam

Steps in explaining structural analysis of a beam

Thе process uѕеd tо dеtеrmіnе thе suitability оf a wооd, steel оr еvеn a соnсrеtе bеаm іѕ еѕѕеntіаllу thе ѕаmе. Aftеr a Beams – Bending Stress іѕ ѕеlесtеd, thе method іѕ аѕ fоllоwѕ: Dеtеrmіnе thе taxes Calculate thе ѕtrеѕѕеѕ Check thе реrmіѕѕіblе stresses аgаіnѕt thе асtuаl ѕtrеѕѕеѕ. Determine thе tаxеѕ Thе fіrѕt ѕtер іn thе […] … learn more→

How to teach AI to speak Welsh (and other minority languages)

How to teach AI to speak Welsh (and other minority languages)

Pioneering smart home technologies and voice assistants don’t, as a rule, speak Welsh – although the Welsh government now aims to change that through their Welsh Language Technology Action Plan. But is their aim feasible, is it necessary, and how can it be done? AI speech tools (like Google’s Pixelbuds) are heavily reliant on the use of […] … learn more→