Blog Archives

The use of open access data questions the practice of journalists

The use of open access data questions the practice of journalists

Open source surveys – based on the collection of information available on the Internet – are increasingly used by the news media as well as by propaganda communication. They raise many ethical and methodological questions. On April 5, 2024, Le Monde published a very detailed investigation , showing, through multiple sources accessible online, the destruction of Palestinian hospitals, schools […] … learn more→

From theory to practice: how can we make sure that what we learn at school is useful at work?

From theory to practice: how can we make sure that what we learn at school is useful at work?

An organization knows what the people who make it up know. What differentiates one university from another are its professors. The fundamental role of training for the development and growth of individuals, organizations, and society as a whole is indisputable. A student is trained at an individual level with the expectation of a better job […] … learn more→

Elder fraud has reached epidemic proportions – a geriatrician explains what older Americans need to know

Elder fraud has reached epidemic proportions – a geriatrician explains what older Americans need to know

Americans age 60 and older lost more than US$3 billion to scammers in 2023, according to the FBI. To put that whopping figure in context, Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour recently made news as the first concert tour ever to earn $1 billion. As a geriatrician – a doctor who cares for people over 65 years of age – I […] … learn more→

The artificial intelligence business threatens to turn science into pseudoscience

The artificial intelligence business threatens to turn science into pseudoscience

When we talk about artificial intelligence (AI) we must orient ourselves rigorously from the foundations of the sciences that support it. In other words, we should never rely on artificially generated expectations around new products that they try to sell us, as well as on the tremendous advertising hyperbole ( hype ) that sweeps all media. Exaggerated claims about its successes […] … learn more→

Physical activity, an essential ally for our brain health

Physical activity, an essential ally for our brain health

In addition to being beneficial for our body, physical activity also plays a crucial, often unsuspected, role in the development and modification of our brain. Through the birth of new neurons (neurogenesis) and the creation of connections between neurons (synaptogenesis) and blood vessels which improve blood circulation to the brain (angiogenesis), physical activity sculpts the […] … learn more→

Middle East student dialogue: As an expert in deep conflict, what I’ve learned about making conversation possible

Middle East student dialogue: As an expert in deep conflict, what I’ve learned about making conversation possible

On a dreary winter evening in a university building basement in March 2015, I stood before some 100 students for a dialogue on the conflict in the Middle East. University of British Columbia (UBC) undergraduates were voting in a referendum to decide whether their student union should boycott products and divest from companies that support Israel’s occupation […] … learn more→

To understand the risks posed by AI, follow the money

To understand the risks posed by AI, follow the money

Time and again, leading scientists, technologists, and philosophers have made spectacularly terrible guesses about the direction of innovation. Even Einstein was not immune, claiming, “There is not the slightest indication that nuclear energy will ever be obtainable,” just ten years before Enrico Fermi completed construction of the first fission reactor in Chicago. Shortly thereafter, the consensus switched to fears […] … learn more→

Is it a good idea to penalize spelling mistakes in university entrance tests?

Is it a good idea to penalize spelling mistakes in university entrance tests?

Let’s imagine that an 18-year-old student writes the following sentence on his university entrance exam: “The text does not demonstrate an exhaustive analysis of the problem.” How should having written those misspelled lines affect your final grade? Should we only measure the level of their knowledge, or their ability to transmit it in writing in […] … learn more→

Key word – claim

Key word – claim

Claim is a difficult word. Dictionaries offer Meaning One –  claims are assertions that something is true, that something is a fact, but there is no proof or evidence. We just have to take the claim at face value and as being ‘right’, or not. Dictionaries also offer Meaning Two. A claim is a statement or action […] … learn more→

Your face for sale: anyone can legally gather and market your facial data without explicit consent

Your face for sale: anyone can legally gather and market your facial data without explicit consent

The morning started with a message from a friend: “I used your photos to train my local version of Midjourney. I hope you don’t mind”, followed up with generated pictures of me wearing a flirty steampunk costume. I did in fact mind. I felt violated. Wouldn’t you? I bet Taylor Swift did when deepfakes of her […] … learn more→