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How far are we, scientifically, from reading thoughts

How far are we, scientifically, from reading thoughts

On January 29, Elon Musk published in X the success of the first surgical intervention implanting a device developed by his start-up Neuralink in a human . The name of the device: Telepathy (Telepathy). In the scientific community we were attentive to what Elon Musk’s team had achieved since in September 2023 the competent body, the United States Food and […] … learn more→

Why is free time still so elusive?

Why is free time still so elusive?

There have been massive gains in productivity over the past century. So why are people still working so hard for so long? Output per worker increased by almost 300% between 1950 and 2018 in the U.S. The standard American workweek, meanwhile, has remained unchanged, at about 40 hours. This paradox is especially notable in the U.S., where […] … learn more→

Why John Dewey’s vision for education and democracy still resonates today

Why John Dewey’s vision for education and democracy still resonates today

John Dewey was one of the most important educational philosophers of the 20th century. His work has been cited in scholarly publications over 400,000 times. Dewey’s writings continue to influence discussions on a variety of subjects, including democratic education, which was the focus of Dewey’s famous 1916 book on the subject. In the following Q&A, Nicholas Tampio, a political […] … learn more→

In the face of technological saturation, intermittent digital fasting

In the face of technological saturation, intermittent digital fasting

Technology yes or technology no? That is the big question. In our daily lives, and often through mobile devices themselves, we receive a barrage of messages that contribute to a polarized view of technology . On the one hand, some studies warn about its negative effects such as depression , anxiety , stress , emotional exhaustion , sedentary lifestyle or poorer quality of sleep . But at the same time there are others who […] … learn more→

AI is our ‘Promethean fire’: using it wisely means knowing its true nature – and our own minds

AI is our ‘Promethean fire’: using it wisely means knowing its true nature – and our own minds

Future historians may well regard 2023 as a landmark in the advent of artificial intelligence (AI). But whether that future will prove utopian, apocalyptic or somewhere in between is anyone’s guess. In February, ChatGPT set the record as the fastest app to reach 100 million users. It was followed by similar “large language” AI models from Google, Amazon, Meta and other […] … learn more→

Dreaming may have evolved as a strategy for co-operative survival

Dreaming may have evolved as a strategy for co-operative survival

Have you ever woken from a dream, emotionally laden with anxiety, fear or a sense of unpreparedness? Typically, these kinds of dreams are associated with content like losing one’s voice, teeth falling out or being chased by a threatening being. But one question I’ve always been interested in is whether or not these kinds of dreams are […] … learn more→

Disinformation is rampant on social media – a social psychologist explains the tactics used against you

Disinformation is rampant on social media – a social psychologist explains the tactics used against you

Information warfare abounds, and everyone online has been drafted whether they know it or not. Disinformation is deliberately generated misleading content disseminated for selfish or malicious purposes. Unlike misinformation, which may be shared unwittingly or with good intentions, disinformation aims to foment distrust, destabilize institutions, discredit good intentions, defame opponents and delegitimize sources of knowledge such as science […] … learn more→

مرحبا is all around: where is our linguistic landscape going?

مرحبا is all around: where is our linguistic landscape going?

It turns out that this Saturday they open a new pop-up store in the center, and in two weeks the Christmas market begins , and what better time than Christmas to have a gourmet experience like the one advertised by a department store. The italics accuse us of the foreign origin of these terms that many of us, as readers, already identify […] … learn more→

As a death doula and professor who teaches about dying, I see a need for more conversations about death

As a death doula and professor who teaches about dying, I see a need for more conversations about death

A growing number of folks may have heard of the death-positive movement, death cafés or death-friendly communities — each of which are animated by the understanding that welcoming our own mortality could improve the quality of our lives. There is truth to these claims. Both as a person who has taught courses on death, dying, and spirituality for more than […] … learn more→