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The illusion of merit: perceptions of effort and talent at work

The illusion of merit: perceptions of effort and talent at work

There is a growing enthusiastic view of meritocracy. We aspire to meritocratic societies, where the most talented people occupy the most responsible positions, thus allowing social mobility. Therefore, meritocracy is a classification system that orders people according to their merits, and for this, equal opportunities are necessary in all fields, starting with access to education. In recent decades there […] … learn more→

Children have been interacting in the metaverse for years – what parents need to know about keeping them safe

Children have been interacting in the metaverse for years – what parents need to know about keeping them safe

The metaverse sounds like it could be a scary place. Recent headlines have highlighted the dangers to children of the metaverse – a generic term for the range of online virtual worlds, developed by different tech companies, in which users can interact. Children’s charities have raised concerns about its potential for harm. Recently, Meta – Facebook’s parent company – announced […] … learn more→

4 ways all online university courses could promote student mental health

4 ways all online university courses could promote student mental health

One quarter of first-year university students in Canada self-declare that they have a disability. Among those, mental-health-related disabilities are the most common. Each year, more students with self-declared mental-health issues enroll in post-secondary institutions. At the same time in Canada, more students are taking online courses, particularly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. For students with disabilities, online […] … learn more→

‘Are you asking us to sleep under the Harbour Bridge?’: 3 myths about international students and the housing crisis

‘Are you asking us to sleep under the Harbour Bridge?’: 3 myths about international students and the housing crisis

There is a story doing the media rounds that international students – particularly from China – will now “flood” back to Australia. It is claimed this will push up already high rents for scarce housing in our major cities. This story is one of three myths that risk setting up international students as scapegoats for Australia’s ongoing […] … learn more→

“The other side of words”: Silencer

“The other side of words”: Silencer

“Reduce (smb) to silence. Silence and make minorities invisible. Silence (sth.). Silence our desires. This is the definition given by the Le Robert dictionary to the term silencer . This entry echoes what was more commonly referred to as “the liberation of speech” at the time of the #MeToo movement . Taken up virally at the end of 2017, this hashtag triggered a massive movement […] … learn more→

Sex, drugs and alcohol are the top reasons that Texas teachers get in trouble, but overall, such cases are rare

Sex, drugs and alcohol are the top reasons that Texas teachers get in trouble, but overall, such cases are rare

Only about 1 in 200 teachers in Texas are sanctioned for misbehavior, but the largest portion of those sanctions involve sexually related offenses. That’s according to a new study we published recently in the Journal of Education Human Resources. The study describes the reasons teachers in Texas are sanctioned for misbehavior, including the frequency and type of […] … learn more→

In 2020, universities shifted to online learning – three lessons from students’ experiences

In 2020, universities shifted to online learning – three lessons from students’ experiences

For young people who were in university at the height of the COVID pandemic, the university experience was suddenly radically different to what they had expected. Teaching moved quickly online, with students forced to adjust to using digital tools to complete their learning at home. Those looking forward to life on campus instead saw social and extra-curricular activities curtailed. […] … learn more→

Video game loot boxes: the first approach of minors to games of chance

Video game loot boxes: the first approach of minors to games of chance

The video game business model has evolved as technology has evolved. In the beginning, they were sold in physical format. With the internet, part of the industry has chosen to make money through microtransactions . These are small payments that unlock in-game content. For example, a new weapon for our character. A specific type of microtransaction, loot boxes (loot boxes), have sparked great controversy […] … learn more→

Memory problems during the pandemic? It’s just your brain trying to distinguish one day from the next

Memory problems during the pandemic? It’s just your brain trying to distinguish one day from the next

Without a doubt, we are living through a historically significant period. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic severely impacted the global economy, imposed extreme strain on health-care systems and precipitated a sudden and dramatic change in our daily lives. Intuitively, it seems logical that the magnitude of disruption caused by the pandemic should generate many memorable moments of […] … learn more→

Academic freedom and democracy in African countries: the first study to track the connection

Academic freedom and democracy in African countries: the first study to track the connection

There is growing interest in the state of academic freedom worldwide. A 1997 Unesco document defines it as the right of scholars to teach, discuss, research, publish, express opinions about systems and participate in academic bodies. Academic freedom is a cornerstone of education and knowledge. Yet there is surprisingly little empirical research on the actual […] … learn more→