Blog Archives

New College Course: No More Zoom, Please!

New College Course: No More Zoom, Please!

The metaphor of learning as a product of a transmission still determines a common way of understanding training processes. By the general public, but also in university settings. Thus, the image of the teacher who transmits knowledge to students remains in force, who write down the knowledge in the form of notes. Taking the model to an […] … learn more→

I prepare aspiring teachers to educate kids of color – here’s how I help them root out their own biases

I prepare aspiring teachers to educate kids of color – here’s how I help them root out their own biases

I’m a professor who has spent the last 10 years preparing new teachers to enter the workforce. I also study how race, culture and power influence education and childhood development at a time when more than half of the roughly 50 million children who attend U.S. public schools are nonwhite, unlike most of their teachers. About four […] … learn more→

Secondary school textbooks teach our kids the myth that Aboriginal Australians were nomadic hunter-gatherers

Secondary school textbooks teach our kids the myth that Aboriginal Australians were nomadic hunter-gatherers

In his book Dark Emu, Bruce Pascoe writes that settler Australians wilfully misunderstood, hid and destroyed evidence of Aboriginal Australians’ farming practices. My analysis of secondary school textbooks shows this behaviour isn’t restricted to the past — it is ongoing. In Australia, pre-invasion Aboriginal peoples tend to be portrayed as nomadic hunter-gatherers. For example, a 1979 textbook titled Australia’s frontiers: […] … learn more→

Five suggestions for universal PhD ‘after-care’

Five suggestions for universal PhD ‘after-care’

One of the things that has become  obvious during lockdown is how much more we might do for PhDers contemplating their futures. If ever there was a time to start something better and more supportive for researchers in our care, now is it. There’s obviously a need for much better advice and support for making […] … learn more→

Tracking the path to research claims

Tracking the path to research claims

All researchers make claims about their work. Remember the phrase staking a claim? That’s what we are actually doing when we claim something. We are metaphorically placing a marker in a field that we are prepared to stand on, stand for –  and defend. We plant that marker at the end of the account of our research. We’re here, […] … learn more→

A look at a corrupted State University

A look at a corrupted State University

Last time around, I wrote of a scholarly report on how Social Justice Warriors take over schools, convert them from centers of education into indoctrination camps. While the report says little I didn’t see with my own eyes years ago, it does a wonderful examination of one particular school, San Diego State University, which has […] … learn more→