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Questioning institutional power: from outside and within

An analysis of who can influence dominant global institutions and examination of corporate centralization. In the past decade, the world has seen the kind of power that private, international, unaccountable institutions wield. The effects of globalization since the 1970\’s have revealed highly centralized structures of power, from financial conglomerates to pharmaceutical monopolies and international enterprises. […] … learn more→

Even without Mubarak, Egypt\’s oil industry is no longer sustainable

The global view of Egypt’s economic landscape has been one of insurmountable problems over Hosni Mubarak’s 30-year reign. The deterioration of the Egyptian economy has not only resulted in what the business community calls “an unsuitable climate for investment,” but a miserable social outlook on behalf of its people. Egypt has had a massive income gap […] … learn more→

From the White House to Facebook: Robert Gibbs

The New York Times is reporting that Facebook, in an effort to \”protect\” itself, may hire former press secretary Robert Gibbs to provide the company with a footing in Washington. The man who famously dubbed smart people in the media, some of who put his employer in the White House, could be working for a corporation […] … learn more→

This week in American foreign policy: Iraq wants the U.S \”out\”

Take a moment to laugh at the United States\’ foreign policy. War, terrorism, diplomacy, totalitarianism, suffering, colonialism, genocide, geopolitics, militarism, empire building, peace and stability certainly can\’t be laughing matters, can they? Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki spoke with The Wall Street Journal in a two-hour interview, his first since Iraq ended nine months of stalemate […] … learn more→

Did the FCC deliver on net neutrality?

In a world now increasingly utilizing and gaining access to the Internet and its virtual and digital prospects, genuine freedom will never be attainable nor truly genuine without net neutrality. It also needs to be real net neutrality, not limited net neutrality that gives corporations like AT&T and Verizon the ability to restrict our access […] … learn more→

The tax compromise of 2010: What we\’ll be getting

As the lame-duck session of Congress ends and the new Republican majority gets ready to pounce on healthcare reform the way Sarah Palin pounces on deer, the Obama Administration has compromised on the tax cut dilemma with Republican leadership. The White House sat in a room with Republicans and Democrats and managed to negotiate an […] … learn more→

5 realistic green policy suggestions for the new Congress

Passing environmental legislation is typically last on Congress\’s list of priorities, and both parties have made that clear time and time again. The Democrats let global warming and cap and trade bills die, fearing that the political repercussions of passing regulative legislation would be greater than the benefits. Republicans simply don\’t want global warming to […] … learn more→