Author Archives:

Is Julian Assange a victim or a problem?

Wikileaks\’ Julian Assange is now a wanted man. The Interpol has issued a red notice: Assange is wanted for sex crimes. That\’s right, sex crimes. He must be a really, really bad guy. I\’m not going to say Assange is innocent, because there\’s no evidence that he\’s not guilty. If I were sitting on a Swedish […] … learn more→

Glenn Beck vs Environmentalists

To some, Glenn Beck represents a voice of sanity and common sense in an anti-conservative world. To everyone else, he\’s a fear mongering, anti-progress televangelist who carelessly demonizes those with whom he disagrees. … learn more→

The case against bipartisanship

The concept of finding common ground and compromising to achieve the same goal is a beautiful thing. In a polarizing political climate that includes so much hatred and discontent with government, bipartisanship seems like the perfect storm that will revive the public\’s faith with a political system that barely includes any civil discourse. Striving for […] … learn more→

Breaking down the nuclear debate

How our generation approaches and deals with the issue of energy policy will inevitably be a large component in ensuring a prosperous economy for future generations. The information we now hold in regards to pollution, climate change, geopolitics and health risks is not, unfortunately, pointing us in any specific policy direction. In the midst of the […] … learn more→

Examining the media\’s role in healthcare reform

For almost 4 decades, we have witnessed the fact that there is no simple solution to our healthcare problems. Real healthcare reform is far more than just a political football; it is incredibly complex and majoritarian goals often fail to match society\’s subscriptions to ideologies. It\’s a shame, because around the world (and especially in […] … learn more→

Net neutrality: Why you should take a stand

Net neutrality has been a top story in the technology news’ cycle for years now, and from die-hard bloggers to casual Internet users, everyone who enjoys the Internet in its current state now has reasons to be concerned. Net neutrality is essentially the idea that the Internet should not be filtered or manipulated by almost […] … learn more→

Legislating environmental morality

Throughout the course of history, governments have believed it to be absolutely necessary to legislate morality for the good of society. The primary goal of government in a republic is to provide and preserve the general welfare of the people. Although we’ve witnessed that can be interpreted in countless different ways, the purpose of the […] … learn more→