Tag Archives: business schools

Careers and parity: business schools are bad students

Careers and parity: business schools are bad students

The issue of career inequalities between men and women is a major topic of reflection. There are countless reports from public authorities, associations or companies themselves, which highlight the differences in terms of salary, promotion or access to management positions. Labor law is changing, with the creation of a Gender Equality Index , measuring the efforts of organizations, on […] … learn more→

Shut down business schools? Two professors debate

Shut down business schools? Two professors debate

After 20 years of working in UK business schools, Martin Parker, professor of organisation studies at Bristol University, calls for them to be shut down in a new book. His views have caused some lively debate and here, he makes his case. Ken Starkey, professor of management at Nottingham University, disagrees. He offers an alternative. Martin Parker: […] … learn more→

Debate: Should we close the management schools?

Debate: Should we close the management schools?

For more than a century, critics have been blowing on business schools. Whenever a crisis takes its toll, censors make a sentence of pillory schools accused of all the ills: the bankruptcy of such an enterprise, the oppression of women, the increase in global inequalities through the global ecological devastation. Why, on the contrary, should […] … learn more→