Tag Archives: careers

7 careers that require an Undergraduate degree

7 careers that require an Undergraduate degree

The job market is constantly changing, making the value of a prestigious undergraduate degree all the more important. Such a coveted degree can be an essential stepping stone for you to pursue lucrative and promising career paths. Moreover, undergraduate degrees offer foundational knowledge and skills that are necessary for your professional growth. For instance, to […] … learn more→

Why we should no longer think about a career for life

Why we should no longer think about a career for life

A few generations ago, choosing what to study was choosing what we would dedicate our working life to. This conditioned many other aspects of adult life. But recent social changes and in the way we relate to each other condition how we work, and even how much we work. Currently, no decision regarding our professional future should […] … learn more→

Comic book introduces kids to key concepts and careers in cybersecurity

Comic book introduces kids to key concepts and careers in cybersecurity

Three 9-year-old girls are huddled around a Caesar wheel, an ancient tool for sharing secret messages. Cracking a code is one of many challenges the girls complete to help characters in CryptoComics escape a mysterious cyberworld into which they’ve been drawn. CryptoComics is a curriculum designed to teach elementary school children – particularly girls of color – […] … learn more→

Careers that pay well without a College degree

Careers that pay well without a College degree

There’s a fallacy that’s been in the world for decades that you need a college degree if you want to have a long and successful career. To say that this is utterly false is an understatement. You can start a job for a company out of high school then eventually become that company’s CEO. Will […] … learn more→

Choosing a career? These jobs won’t go out of style

Choosing a career? These jobs won’t go out of style

Sensationalist claims that 40% of jobs in Australia won’t exist in the future are unhelpful for young Australians thinking about entering the workforce. The reality is some jobs will no longer exist, new jobs will be created and most jobs will undergo some form of transformation. The skills we need for work are changing, but young Australians […] … learn more→

10 ways College grads can make their resumes stand out

10 ways College grads can make their resumes stand out

If you are one of approximately 1.8 million students receiving a bachelor’s degree this year, you’ve probably been working on your resume. This can be a challenging task for upcoming college graduates, especially those with minimal work experience. When you consider that hiring managers typically take less than 10 seconds to decide which pile your […] … learn more→