Tag Archives: Cheating

ChatGPT and cheating: 5 ways to change how students are graded

ChatGPT and cheating: 5 ways to change how students are graded

Universities and schools have entered a new phase in how they need to address academic integrity as our society navigates a second era of digital technologies, which include publicly available generative artificial intelligence (AI) like ChatGPT. Such platforms allow students to generate novel text for written assignments. While many worry these advanced AI technologies are ushering in […] … learn more→

With record numbers of students cheating, unis should revert to old school in-person exams

With record numbers of students cheating, unis should revert to old school in-person exams

Contract cheating – where commercial cheating services provide assignments for university students – has become a global problem. Australia is not immune. According to the latest data, record numbers of Australian students are paying someone else to do their assessments. This comes amid broader concerns about rising levels of cheating during COVID. Last week, the University of […] … learn more→

Fighting against cheating in higher education: punishment is not enough

Fighting against cheating in higher education: punishment is not enough

The shift of higher education to digital, greatly accelerated by the pandemic and its health constraints, raises major ethical issues in terms of cheating and plagiarism. However, “we cannot solve today’s integrity problems with the tools of the past. The law and university regulations are not adapted”, as Michelle Bergadaà affirmed on the occasion of the labeling by the National Foundation […] … learn more→

Students who cheat don’t just have to worry about getting caught. They risk blackmail and extortion

Students who cheat don’t just have to worry about getting caught. They risk blackmail and extortion

When students use a commercial contract cheating service, getting caught by their lecturers is just one of many serious consequences that could damage them and those who trust them. They also expose themselves to blackmail and extortion. Despite these risks, one in ten students at Australian higher education institutions have used a commercial cheating service to complete […] … learn more→

Reviews: the end of the cheat is not for tomorrow!

Reviews: the end of the cheat is not for tomorrow!

How to ensure students a fair and reliable assessment, guaranteeing the value of their diploma on the job market? In the current conditions of distance education, the issue manifests itself with increased acuity in higher education establishments, bringing the problem of cheating back into the spotlight. “The establishment of partials remotely poses great difficulties for establishments […] … learn more→

Cheating may be under-reported across Canada’s universities and colleges

Cheating may be under-reported across Canada’s universities and colleges

Media have reported allegations of creative cheating strategies at universities across Canada, including hacking grades, bribery and breaking into offices to steal exams. Nursing students at Brandon University are facing disciplinary action after a final exam at the end of the fall 2019 term became “compromised.” A spokesperson for the university said the exam was “widely available,” according to […] … learn more→

The moral panic over student cheating must end

The moral panic over student cheating must end

Academics have never entirely trusted students not to cheat. Few exams, for instance, have ever been conducted without an invigilator prowling the aisles in search of surreptitious copying or smuggled-in notes. But the current level of institutionalised distrust of students has reached such a pitch that it seems reasonable to call it a moral panic. […] … learn more→