Tag Archives: children’s literature

How many types of children's literature do we know and how do we apply it?

How many types of children’s literature do we know and how do we apply it?

In his Poetic Art , Horace coined that maxim that said: Prodesse et delectare , which has been commonly translated into Spanish as “teaching delighting”. This Horatian idea, widely rooted, supports the idea that literature should be a source of knowledge and, in turn, of pleasure. If children’s literature has a prodigious entity within general literature, with its own characteristics that differentiate […] … learn more→

What did the first children's books look like  ?

What did the first children’s books look like ?

Adults have been writing for children for centuries. Among the different forms that these publications have taken, there are few that can seem entertaining to us today. Indeed, the works intended for the youngest aimed above all at their moral and spiritual progress. Children in the Middle Ages learned to read on wooden tablets covered with parchment […] … learn more→