Tag Archives: Digital technologies

Africa needs China for its digital development – but at what price?

Africa needs China for its digital development – but at what price?

Digital technologies have many potential benefits for people in African countries. They can support the delivery of healthcare services, promote access to education and lifelong learning, and enhance financial inclusion. But there are obstacles to realising these benefits. The backbone infrastructure needed to connect communities is missing in places. Technology and finance are lacking too. […] … learn more→

The advantages of growing up with the Internet: adolescents and participation

The advantages of growing up with the Internet: adolescents and participation

The development of digital technologies, and the consequent sociocultural change, has encouraged the adolescent population to participate in virtual environments. This permanent connection and supposed dependence on their smartphones and digital networks arouses suspicion, if not concern, on the part of those of us who did not grow up in a similar situation. But there is […] … learn more→

When children teach their grandparents to use screens

When children teach their grandparents to use screens

Digital technologies have often seemed to create a form of generational distance in families. But as the epidemic worsens and the curfew has been established everywhere in France, they are proving more and more valuable in maintaining communication between grandparents and grandchildren and appear today as “linkage” factors. Instead of seeing each other for the eternal […] … learn more→

Digital technologies: what do young people really think?

Digital technologies: what do young people really think?

As digital technologies facilitate the growth of both established and emerging organizations, the darker facets of the digital economy are beginning to emerge. In recent years many unethical practices have been revealed, including the seizure and use of consumer data, anti-competitive activities , and secret social experiments . But what do young people who grew up with the internet think […] … learn more→