Tag Archives: Digital technology

From SMS to social networks, how digital technology is transforming the dialogue between parents and children

From SMS to social networks, how digital technology is transforming the dialogue between parents and children

Digital tools are now an integral part of everyday life and lead children to have new experiences and develop in new environments . The place of these technologies in family interactions can vary depending on a certain number of elements, such as the quality of bonds, family dynamics, the family’s living environment, parental stress, age of children […] … learn more→

At school, learn to evaluate information in a digital world

At school, learn to evaluate information in a digital world

A relatively marginal subject around twenty years ago, the evaluation of information on the Internet is today a major issue for our society. The very large number of fraudulent, dubious or biased messages published every day on social networks and on the web in general makes everyone vulnerable to disinformation. We saw this with current topics such as vaccination […] … learn more→

Your smartphone is not making you dumber — digital tech can enhance our cognitive abilities

Your smartphone is not making you dumber — digital tech can enhance our cognitive abilities

Digital technology is ubiquitous. We have been increasingly reliant on smartphones, tablets and computers over the past 20 years, and this trend has been accelerating due to the pandemic. Conventional wisdom tells us that over-reliance on technology may take away from our ability to remember, pay attention and exercise self control. Indeed, these are important […] … learn more→