There is no doubt that reading is a powerful learning tool. In fact, most teachers agree that reading comprehension is one of the most important learning that schooling provides. Reading ability is also related to the intellectual growth of the person. However, in a society hyperstimulated by screens, sounds, immersive environments, etc. It seems more and more difficult […] … learn more→
Tag Archives: digital tools

Talking about books on video: a skill with a bright future

Under what conditions do digital tools help students succeed?
To feel competent, autonomous and socially integrated: these are the three fundamental needs of students that must be met if we want them to be able to learn effectively. In any case, this is what the psychology of education teaches us, and these needs are involved in the motivation and well-being of students. The closure of universities and […] … learn more→

Pens or keyboards: which tools to choose for taking notes?
The pandemic that we have been experiencing for almost two years now has upset teaching practices. Distance courses have multiplied, many schoolchildren, high school students and students have had to work more alone, often without support from teachers or their families. Educational inequalities have thus been accentuated . In this context, the students who succeed best are those who […] … learn more→