Tag Archives: editing

Amid growth in AI writing tools, this course teaches future lawyers and other professionals to become better editors

Amid growth in AI writing tools, this course teaches future lawyers and other professionals to become better editors

Title of Course: “Editing and Advocacy” What prompted the idea for the course? In part, I wanted to improve the career prospects of the law students, business students and other aspiring professionals I teach. People who can consistently improve the sentences and paragraphs that come across their desk each day have the opportunity to improve […] … learn more→

Editing your writing – lessons from chefs?

Editing your writing – lessons from chefs?

You can pick up helpful ideas from the most unlikely places. Like cooking shows. Yes I watch cooking shows, it’s one of my guilty pleasures. I’m sure I’m not the only one, given their popularity. Sometimes they offer more than new ways with potatoes. Just last week I found myself thinking about the ways in […] … learn more→

Help your inner ‘Creator’ and ‘Editor’ get along

Help your inner ‘Creator’ and ‘Editor’ get along

You’re writing? And feeling a bit pulled in two directions at once? Perhaps that’s not surprising. Writers have two inter-related personae –the Creator and the Editor. Well, that’s according to Joni B Cole, and indeed a lot of other people who offer writing advice. Don’t scoff just yet. Thinking about this inner duo can be very helpful […] … learn more→

Who needs an editor? You.

Who needs an editor? You.

I work as an editor and have felt a little overwhelmed by the number of language errors and typos I’ve spotted in books and on signs lately. There’s no need to be afraid of editors. Most of us are gentle, friendly souls who just want to help others communicate more effectively. Someone once described editors […] … learn more→