Schools’ use of educational technologies (edtech) grew exponentially at the height of COVID lockdowns. A recent Human Rights Watch (HRW) report has exposed children’s rights violations by providers of edtech endorsed by governments in Australia and overseas. The lockdowns have ended but edtech remains embedded in education. Children will have to navigate issues of data privacy in […] … learn more→
Tag Archives: EdTech

Edtech is treating students like products. Here’s how we can protect children’s digital rights

EdTechs: what place in the next world?
The rise of the Internet and mobile applications has given birth to a new economic sector , around technologies dedicated to knowledge and transmission, known as “EdTechs”. Used in the United States from 2010, under the pen of American researchers , this name covers a whole variety of actors offering virtual classes, interactive exam preparations, language learning solutions or tutoring, orientation aids. […] … learn more→

A prickly path towards integration for EdTech
By now, most people that own a computer have heard of one or two EdTech companies. EdTech, despite being an industry that’s often not as glamorous as subjects in other technological fields such as machine learning or space exploration, still stands as an important piece of how humans normalize their interactions with the exponential nature […] … learn more→