Tag Archives: entrepreneurship

UK plans on student visas fail to empower entrepreneurialism

UK plans on student visas fail to empower entrepreneurialism

Well-educated immigrant entrepreneurs often play a crucial role in dynamic economies. In a famous 2006 study, The New Argonauts: Regional Advantage in a Global Economy, AnnaLee Saxenian of the University of California, Berkeleystudied the impact of highly skilled immigrants in Silicon Valley. Chinese and Indian scientists and engineers were running nearly a third of the […] … learn more→

Must every student really become an entrepreneur?

Must every student really become an entrepreneur?

In the Flawn Academic Center of the University of Texas at Austin is a spacious room that is not devoted to academic activity. It houses Blackstone Launchpad, which promotes itself as “a program that helps students of all backgrounds navigate the UT entrepreneurship ecosystem”, a pretentious way of saying “create a business”. “Why do we […] … learn more→

Initiation to entrepreneurship is not just about aspiring startups

Initiation to entrepreneurship is not just about aspiring startups

“To offer all students a greater openness to entrepreneurship” is one of the wishesexpressed by Minister Frédérique Vidal to the higher education community in January 2019. Would it be a matter of further stimulating more activity creation and systematically spot potential Bill Gates? The flowering of start-ups is certainly crucial for the French economy. But it turns […] … learn more→