Tag Archives: Failure

Philosophy: three keys to learning to overcome failure

Philosophy: three keys to learning to overcome failure

  With the first verdicts from the Parcoursup post-baccalaureate orientation site , the period for competition and exam results begins. Many young people will see their wishes come true. But many others will be disappointed. The impossibility of integrating the school for which they were preparing, or the course which seemed ideal to them to carry out their personal projects represents […] … learn more→

Failing a subject isn’t just the student’s fault. Universities can and should help

Failing a subject isn’t just the student’s fault. Universities can and should help

As Australian students start university, failure is probably the last thing they want to think about. But university failure is depressingly common. Our study in a large Australian university found up to 52% of students in education, civil engineering, nursing and commerce failed at least one unit during their degree. Failure is painful and costly for students, […] … learn more→

State University deliberately failing students?

State University deliberately failing students?

Time and again I’ve covered state universities where faculty were mandated to pass students in their class, regardless of student performance. Mostly these mandates are for lower level courses—nonexistent entrance requirements let hordes of kids who have no business on campus (not making judgements here!) have little choice but to take only entry-level courses. Failing […] … learn more→