Title of Course: “Feedback Loops: How to Give and Receive High-Quality Feedback” What prompted the idea for this course? Given that my students pursue careers in an incredibly wide range of fields – business, philanthropy, sports, medicine, finance, human rights, education – I wanted to teach them skills that could serve a general purpose. Being […] … learn more→
Tag Archives: Feedback
Good feedback is an art – here’s how I teach it
Negative feedback is part of academia (and life) – these 6 strategies can help you cope
Imagine you have years-worth of research and it is dismissed by a 15-word rejection letter from a journal editor. That has happened to us. Or peer reviewers write demeaning, anonymous commentary about your work. That has also happened to us. Or student evaluations critique your appearance or the way you speak. Yes, that’s also happened to us. Academics also […] … learn more→
Feedback and me
I have a troubled relationship with feedback. It has been this way for many years, from my days as a PhD researcher in literary studies (where someone has literally fallen asleep in front of me while I was tutoring) to disjointed gigs as a guest lecturer and convenor where my contact with the student cohort […] … learn more→