Tag Archives: food

Food: are social networks helping teens to rethink their lifestyles?

Food: are social networks helping teens to rethink their lifestyles?

Deciphering the consumption practices of adolescents is an important issue for education players but also for brands that seek to identify tomorrow’s trends through weak signals. However, for this generation, called Z, consumer practices and digital practices are strongly intertwined. Born with the Internet, 99% of adolescents frequent social networks with an average presence on 3.9 networks […] … learn more→

Food: the return to favour of afternoon tea

Food: the return to favour of afternoon tea

Snack, a meal inevitably associated with childhood, conveys many representations marked by conviviality, transgression and nostalgia. Whether taken on a daily basis or on the occasion of a birthday party, it is undoubtedly the last bastion of the French food model which has not given in to the promotion of healthy eating. Assimilated to a break […] … learn more→