Tag Archives: gender

If intelligence has no gender, why are there fewer women with high abilities?

If intelligence has no gender, why are there fewer women with high abilities?

What is talent? Of course, nothing easy to define or detect. Without going any further, in Spain the different autonomous communities, and their respective educational legislation, have not reached consensus on the definition of high abilities . Although to a large extent its conceptualization depends on the theoretical reference model chosen , there seems to be unanimity that these are people who have […] … learn more→

Mr. Internet has gender: why technology is not neutral

Mr. Internet has gender: why technology is not neutral

When the Internet began to take shape as we know it today in the 1980s, a wave of optimism spread about what this new network of networks could mean as a global and open technological revolution . It was no wonder: it allowed communication between people living thousands of kilometers away, almost unlimited access to knowledge, new […] … learn more→

ERA and Gender Equity-ish

ERA and Gender Equity-ish

Last week, the Australian Research Council (ARC) released their Gender and the Research Workforce report. While it appropriately positions the need for direct action in providing support to increase the national participation rates of female researchers, there’s an entire group of researchers missing from the analysis, graphs, and the resolutions of gender parity announced on the 10th of October […] … learn more→

Gender issues: brand new year, same old problems

Gender issues: brand new year, same old problems

I spent some of my time off around New Year attempting to start as I mean to go on by tidying my “home office”. In the run-up to Christmas, as exhaustion took over and time ran out, I had increasingly just been dumping piles of paper precariously on the edge of my desk as I […] … learn more→