The term imposter syndrome is everywhere. People “have it”, “suffer from it” or “ have a bad case of it.” Imposter syndrome is a term that worries me. I’ve been concerned at how it’s used for quite some time. I’m hardly the only one. The original inventors of the term, Pauline Clance and Suzanne Innes, rejected […] … learn more→
Tag Archives: Imposter syndrome

Feeling like an imposter? ask “what’s going on here?”

Imposter Syndrome is not real, but I call mine ‘Berl’
I hate to fail. My failure avoidance leads to a tendency for overwork. I drive myself harder than any manager will, mostly out of fear of failure rather than love for the work. My feelings of insecurity make me a good employee and student, but they also put me at risk for burn out and […] … learn more→

‘Impostor syndrome’ trivialises the serious issue of feeling phoney in HE
Hardly a day goes by without the popular press featuring some celebrity or sportsperson recounting their supposed experience of “impostor syndrome”. Meanwhile, on social media, posting after posting suggests that “everyone has it” – but you can cure yours with this three-point action plan. Sadly, much of this material is both incorrect and belittling to those […] … learn more→