Tag Archives: indoctrination

A look at a corrupted State University

A look at a corrupted State University

Last time around, I wrote of a scholarly report on how Social Justice Warriors take over schools, convert them from centers of education into indoctrination camps. While the report says little I didn’t see with my own eyes years ago, it does a wonderful examination of one particular school, San Diego State University, which has […] … learn more→

Nazis (almost) welcomed to campus

Nazis (almost) welcomed to campus

One of the most annoying bits to the Leftist lunacy taking over our campuses is the sheer hypocrisy of their intolerant tolerance. Sure, every form of sexual deviancy variation is tolerated, even the pedophilic, genital mutilatative, and violent tendencies of other cultures is tolerated in the name of sacred Diversity…but opposing ideas, especially those involving […] … learn more→

Racist banana = Spend $121,000,000 on diversity

Racist banana = Spend $121,000,000 on diversity

The student loan scam had led to a deluge of money raining down on our campuses. There seems to be nothing stopping our leaders in higher ed from pouring that money on a wide array of useless expenditures. I know, Social Justice Warrior lunatics have taken control of many of our campuses and they want […] … learn more→

Anti-white campus bias getting worse

Anti-white campus bias getting worse

It’s fascinating watching the progression into the dark days ahead. In Nazi Germany, it didn’t start out with mass arrests and deportments for concentration camps…first tiny minorities were targeted, then larger and larger groups until all that remained outside of the camps was the terrified majority, individuals of whom could not speak out lest there […] … learn more→

Ex-Communist Professor sues NYU

Ex-Communist Professor sues NYU

Recently I discussed a Leftist professor advocate of white genocide who implied the problem with our campuses is Leftism is being discouraged on our campuses, that voices like his are being silenced. Rubbish. My memory isn’t the best, but it sure seems like conservative faculty are the ones in the crosshairs, so I thought I’d […] … learn more→