Tag Archives: language learning

Will artificial intelligence end language teaching and learning?

Will artificial intelligence end language teaching and learning?

In 2024, the artificial intelligence company Open AI presented GPT4-o, a new large language model ( Large Language Model in English) capable of “reasoning” and interacting with text, image and audio. In one of the videos distributed after the launch, two people use a mobile phone to ask GPT4-o to listen to them and translate from English to Spanish and from […] … learn more→

What “shock of knowledge” for foreign languages?

What “shock of knowledge” for foreign languages?

After a political series at the Ministry of National Education, where Gabriel Attal (5 months), Amélie Oudéa-Castera (26 days) and finally Nicole Belloubet (since February 8) joined the 11 ministers out of 29 who remained in office for less than 14 months since 1958, the pillar texts of the “clash of knowledge” were published on Sunday March […] … learn more→

AI is changing scientists’ understanding of language learning – and raising questions about an innate grammar

AI is changing scientists’ understanding of language learning – and raising questions about an innate grammar

Unlike the carefully scripted dialogue found in most books and movies, the language of everyday interaction tends to be messy and incomplete, full of false starts, interruptions and people talking over each other. From casual conversations between friends, to bickering between siblings, to formal discussions in a boardroom, authentic conversation is chaotic. It seems miraculous that anyone […] … learn more→

These gestures that matter for language learning

These gestures that matter for language learning

You have certainly happened to chat with someone in a language you do not understand well. In this kind of situation, one of the reflexes to better understand what is being said is to base oneself on the gestures or facial expressions of the other person. Perhaps he will even have made the effort to underline or […] … learn more→

Why emojis and #hashtags should be part of language learning

Why emojis and #hashtags should be part of language learning

Learning a language after one’s early childhood home language is often referred to as second language learning (despite the fact people may in fact be learning their third or fourth languages). In Canada, an officially bilingual country, both English and French are widely taught in superdiverse urban centres. Increasingly, a popular avenue for adult language learners is […] … learn more→

Can we learn a language while playing video games?

Can we learn a language while playing video games?

In recent years, online gambling has become a source of concern, with parents fearing that their children will develop an addiction to their leisure that would put them outside society. Some have been very inventive to reduce the place of games in schedules, including limitingperiods of Internet connection. It must be remembered, however, that all the research […] … learn more→