Tag Archives: Liberal Arts

Arts, history, philosophy… employers increasingly value soft skills

Arts, history, philosophy… employers increasingly value soft skills

“The foundation of democratic and liberal societies is the critical spirit, which is nourished by knowledge of the humanities. Without exception, totalitarian states reject the teaching of the humanities , and states that reject this teaching always become totalitarian”. These were the words of Takamitsu Sawa, then president of Shiga University in Japan, in 2015 in response to a statement by […] … learn more→

Critics of the Liberal Arts aren’t thinking critically

Critics of the Liberal Arts aren’t thinking critically

Many college leaders readily agree that the liberal arts have been under attack politically, socially, and culturally for well over a generation. They earnestly argue that a liberal arts education creates productive citizens to ensure a robust democracy. These officials point to the heightened polarization within American society and a growing political chasm fueled by […] … learn more→