Tag Archives: mental health

What should I do if I can’t see a psychiatrist?

What should I do if I can’t see a psychiatrist?

People presenting at emergency with mental health concerns are experiencing the longest wait times in Australia for admission to a ward, according to a new report from the Australasian College of Emergency Medicine. The amount of time Australians are waiting in hospital emergency departments is increasing with the average wait time for admission now between 12 and […] … learn more→

Students with mental health struggles linked to absenteeism and lower grades, showing clear need for more in-school support

Students with mental health struggles linked to absenteeism and lower grades, showing clear need for more in-school support

Parents are reporting worse mental health for their children than they did a decade ago, but different groups of children are struggling with mental health in markedly different ways. That’s what our team at the University of Southern California’s Center for Applied Research in Education found using a widely used mental health screening measure. More specifically, we found […] … learn more→

PhD students’ mental health is poor and the pandemic made it worse – but there are coping strategies that can help

PhD students’ mental health is poor and the pandemic made it worse – but there are coping strategies that can help

A pre-pandemic study on PhD students’ mental health showed that they often struggle with such issues. Financial insecurity and feelings of isolation can be among the factors affecting students’ wellbeing. The pandemic made the situation worse. We carried out research that looked into the impact of the pandemic on PhD students, surveying 1,780 students in summer 2020. We asked them […] … learn more→

Why it’s wrong to blame online learning for causing mental health issues during COVID-19

Why it’s wrong to blame online learning for causing mental health issues during COVID-19

Post-secondary student mental health is in crisis: Research shows students’ mental health was adversely affected in the pandemic, and this falls on the heels of pre-existing concerns that campuses were struggling to keep up with demands for mental health services. Over the last two-and-a-half years, many people — including educators, academics, education administrators, politicians and […] … learn more→

5 ways students can foster positive mental health at university

5 ways students can foster positive mental health at university

For many students, heading off to university means moving away from home and to a new place, facing the prospect of making new friends or adjusting to larger class sizes. For some it will also mean readapting to in-person learning. Amid the normal life transitions from teenage years into adulthood, the pandemic introduced new stressors and interruptions, […] … learn more→

5 strategies employers can use to address workplace mental health issues

5 strategies employers can use to address workplace mental health issues

COVID-19 has inflicted a serious mental health toll on many U.S. workers. Like other Americans, workers have lost loved ones, connections to friends and family, and the comforts of their daily social rhythms. The pandemic has also imposed a unique set of stresses on workers, including the risks of losing their job, rapid adjustments to working from home and additional […] … learn more→

Should university instructors disclose mental health conditions? It’s complicated

Should university instructors disclose mental health conditions? It’s complicated

The onset of what some psychologists suggest is a mental health “parallel pandemic” during COVID-19 has created new questions about how post-secondary instructors address mental health in their classrooms. The negative impact of the pandemic on mental health in Canada is clear: significant levels of self-reported anxiety have been found in 36 per cent of Canadians aged […] … learn more→

What young people want to help them recover from school closures

What young people want to help them recover from school closures

Children need help to recover from the disruption COVID has brought to their schooling. Much of the focus – and government funding – has been on academic catch-up. Some schools are beginning to trial adding an hour to the school day. But young people weren’t just missing out on study time during school closures. They also lost out on physical activity, […] … learn more→

Protecting mental health in childhood is urgent: what role do schools have?

Protecting mental health in childhood is urgent: what role do schools have?

In the early stages of life, children and adolescents must cope with various stressors. The beginning of compulsory schooling is one of them. It requires a change of routines in the child and the beginning of a stage with greater autonomy, without the continued support of the parents. In addition to the usual stressors, atypical situations may […] … learn more→

Climate change is harming children’s mental health – and this is just the start

Climate change is harming children’s mental health – and this is just the start

With record-breaking heat waves, wildfires and floods, 2021 may be the year we finally wake up to climate change. According to the most recent assessment of the International Panel on Climate Change, the effects are now “widespread, rapid, and intensifying.” Many impacts are irreversible and changes to oceans, ice sheets and sea levels will persist for thousands of years. […] … learn more→