Tag Archives: motivation

Let's remember it once again: how to motivate our university students?

Let’s remember it once again: how to motivate our university students?

Among the many areas widely consolidated by psychological research is that of the science of motivation. Decades of research have laid the foundations for understanding why motivated behavior occurs and how it occurs. Furthermore, this research has had a very applied nature since it has been contexts such as education, work, or sports, which have stimulated said research. […] … learn more→

Less external motivation and more internal discipline: the secret to success in university

Less external motivation and more internal discipline: the secret to success in university

In studies or work, discipline is a habit of commitment and self-control, which together with personality and behavior, can lead us to achieve our goals. According to the first meaning of the Royal Spanish Academy , “habit” is the “special way of proceeding or behaving acquired by repetition of the same or similar acts, or originated by […] … learn more→

Teenagers in class: a challenge with long-term rewards

Teenagers in class: a challenge with long-term rewards

The word motivation appears in an unavoidable way in any interview between a teacher and the family of an adolescent student: “It is that he is not motivated.” It is the moment in which the teacher begins to notice some concern and to assume that the interview may not achieve the objectives that are proposed in […] … learn more→

Why do students lose the desire to learn as they grow

Why do students lose the desire to learn as they grow

Yes, it is a proven fact that students vary markedly in their academic performance and they do so over time. The reasons for these differences depend on several factors: The socio-cultural context of the students, highlighting the socioeconomic and cultural level of the family and the opportunities offered by the social context. The school factors, being the coexistence […] … learn more→