If you search most primary or high school websites, you will likely find a images of happy, smiling children. Students images are also used publicly for school newsletters, social media accounts and other school publications like annual reports. Parents could reasonably expect schools and educations departments have conducted thorough checks and evaluations to do this. […] … learn more→
Tag Archives: personal data

Is your child’s photo on their school Facebook page? What does this mean for their privacy?

Generative AI could also be used to exploit personal data in complete security: the trail of synthetic data
How would you react if ChatGPT revealed your phone number and home address? Among the data on the web that the language model behind ChatGPT trains on, some information is personal and is not intended to be revealed. However, this risk is very real, as a team of researchers demonstrated by pushing ChatGPT to reveal a large […] … learn more→

Personal data: nothing to hide, but a lot to lose
Our personal data circulates on the Internet: name, addresses, bank or social security details, real-time location… and related cases are making a permanent place in public debate, from the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal to data theft to the Red Cross , to the recent blockages of hospitals by ransomware (or ransomware ) and the banning of the TikTok application for civil servants in several countries . […] … learn more→

We street-proof our kids. Why aren’t we data-proofing them?
Google recently agreed to pay a US$170 million fine for illegally gathering children’s personal data on YouTube without parental consent, which is a violation under the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). The United States Federal Trade Commission and the New York State Attorney General — who together brought the case against Google — now require YouTube […] … learn more→

Amazon, Facebook and Google don’t need to spy on your conversations to know what you’re talking about
If you’ve ever wondered if your phone is spying on you, you’re not alone. One of the most hotly debated topics in technology today is the amount of data that firms surreptitiously gather about us online. You may well have shared the increasingly common experience of feeling creeped out by ads for something you recently discussed in […] … learn more→