Tag Archives: personalised learning

Repton School’s Outstanding 2024 GCSE Results

Repton School’s Outstanding 2024 GCSE Results

Repton School, Derbyshire, is celebrating its 2023-24 Year 11s’ exceptional GCSE results. Despite the lowered national grade proportions for this year, just under 60% of entries were awarded grades 7-9 (A*-A), and almost 25% of grades were 9s. Many pupils achieved more than seven grade 9s, including Fisayo Atere, who secured 13 of these. This […] … learn more→

Personalised learning is billed as the ‘future’ of schooling: what is it and could it work

Personalised learning is billed as the ‘future’ of schooling: what is it and could it work

It is not uncommon for kids to complain about school, but studies show significant numbers of Australian students are actually disengaged with their education. A 2017 Grattan Institute report found as many as 40% are unproductive in a given year because they are disengaged. This is a huge concern. Not being engaged can lead to issues with […] … learn more→

Will universities become a redundant archipelago?

Will universities become a redundant archipelago?

In the early days of the World Wide Web, management author Peter Drucker predicted that long-distance learning would end higher education as we know it. Quoted in Forbes, Drucker predicted: “Universities won’t survive. The future is outside the traditional campus, outside the traditional classroom. Distance learning is coming on fast.” It is a message that is […] … learn more→