Tag Archives: physical education

The fear of failing, an obstacle to overcome in Physical Education classes

The fear of failing, an obstacle to overcome in Physical Education classes

The heart begins to accelerate, the tremors are recurrent, the clock passes slowly and we can only think about the remaining turns to make that jump, that 100 meter dash or that somersault that everyone is going to judge… Can anyone remember? A similar situation in physical education class? Fear of failure, understood as the […] … learn more→

New UK government guidance for PE lets teachers and pupils down

New UK government guidance for PE lets teachers and pupils down

The UK government recently published guidance for physical education (PE) aimed at all schools in England. The guidance is non-statutory, meaning it is not compulsory by law for schools to follow. Instead, it is intended as inspiration to help schools change their PE provision to benefit all pupils. Initially, this document seems like a catalyst for positive […] … learn more→

Why physical education is key to preventing bullying

Why physical education is key to preventing bullying

Adolescents who are well integrated into their environment, frequently participate in sports activities, maintain good interpersonal relationships and reject violence tend to be less involved in bullying phenomena. This is the main conclusion of a study that we have carried out at the University of Córdoba among a total of 1035 adolescents between the ages of 12 […] … learn more→

Thinking of choosing a health or PE subject in years 11 and 12? Here’s what you need to know

Thinking of choosing a health or PE subject in years 11 and 12? Here’s what you need to know

From kindergarten to year 10, all Australian students follow the national health and physical education (HPE) curriculum. This expands in years 11 and 12 with a range of health and physical education selection options. Depending on which state you live in, you may be able to do year 11 and 12 health and physical education subjects […] … learn more→