Tag Archives: pseudoscience

This is how we instill a 'scientific' mentality in teenagers to protect them from pseudoscience

This is how we instill a ‘scientific’ mentality in teenagers to protect them from pseudoscience

Does this headache medicine work? Can I lose weight by dieting? Are the government’s measures to combat inflation effective? To answer any of these questions, humans use our ability to reason about causes and effects. However, psychological research shows that we often make mistakes such as perceiving non-existent causal relationships. This is a phenomenon known […] … learn more→

Lots of people believe in Bigfoot and other pseudoscience claims – this course examines why

Lots of people believe in Bigfoot and other pseudoscience claims – this course examines why

Title of course “Psychology of Pseudoscience” What prompted the idea for the course? While teaching a course on research methods at the United States Air Force Academy, I concluded that the course needed a bigger emphasis on broad scientific reasoning skills. So I incorporated material about the difference between science – the systematic process of evidence-based […] … learn more→