Tag Archives: relationships

From superficial to intimate relationships: these are the ties that define our social fabric

From superficial to intimate relationships: these are the ties that define our social fabric

Throughout our lives and, as social beings that we are, we form different ties with our equals. From the superficial and instrumental, of courtesy, to the most intimate of communication, trust and deep affection. In this way we are building a network of relationships that constitute our social fabric . Four levels of approach Depending on the degree of […] … learn more→

Young people learn about relationships from media. You can use books and movies to start discussions

Young people learn about relationships from media. You can use books and movies to start discussions

Chanel Contos’ recent petition called for an overhaul of sexual education at schools and for consent to be taught earlier on, and better. Adequate, formal sexual education is important for young people, but discussions about consent can take place in many situations outside the sex education classroom and outside of school. Novels, films and plays create […] … learn more→