Tag Archives: slavery

Talking to children about the slave trade:

Talking to children about the slave trade: “Alma”, the story of a novel

If the history of slavery has given rise to several recent works – whether we think of Beloved by Toni Morrison or Twelve Years a Slave by Steve McQueen, adapted from the testimony of Solomon Northup – it remains a complex subject to approach in the literature for young people. How, indeed, to introduce children and adolescents to the knowledge, highly […] … learn more→

3 ways to improve education about slavery in the US

3 ways to improve education about slavery in the US

When it comes to teaching students about slavery in the United States, teachers often stumble through the topic. In the worst cases, they use poorly conceived lessons that end up inflaming students, parents and communities about a subject that is already difficult to deal with because of the inhumanity involved. For instance, in 2018 a […] … learn more→