Tag Archives: stress

Top causes of stress in the modern workplace

Top causes of stress in the modern workplace

Stress is an extremely detrimental mental state for employees and employers alike. Individuals suffering chronic stress can have mental and physical health problems, such as depression, anxiety, high blood pressure and stroke. Meanwhile, organizations with stressed workforces likely suffer from lower productivity, lower-quality services and high employee turnover. It benefits workers and workplaces to identify […] … learn more→

Burn-out of students: those risks to be considered

Burn-out of students: those risks to be considered

Much research has been carried out on stress in the workplace and its consequences on the health of workers. This concept is now widely integrated in the context of the prevention of psychosocial risks (PSR) at work. Currently, the idea that, within the school framework, the pupils can also be subjected to this type of risks begins to […] … learn more→

How race-related stress could be driving educators of color away from the job

How race-related stress could be driving educators of color away from the job

When teachers of color experience high levels of race-based stress in schools, they can also have an increasingly negative sense of belonging, according to new research. For the study, we analyzed survey data from educators of color across Iowa. To get at whether they were experiencing race-based stress, we asked whether the educators felt supported raising concerns with […] … learn more→

Proven tips to have an effective study break

Proven tips to have an effective study break

Studying hard and going through revisions to prepare for the upcoming exam season? Then you must be experiencing tough times due to long reading sessions. Ironically, a lot of students face hard times understanding what they read even after reading the same paragraph several times. However, you can make the most out of revisions and reading sessions […] … learn more→