Proven tips to have an effective study break


Studying hard and going through revisions to prepare for the upcoming exam season? Then you must be experiencing tough times due to long reading sessions. Ironically, a lot of students face hard times understanding what they read even after reading the same paragraph several times. However, you can make the most out of revisions and reading sessions if you follow certain effective ways and tips

We have discussed some of the most effective tips that will boost your efficiency if followed properly.

Make a schedule for breaks

Long study hours do more harm than good. Scientific studies have proven that small study sessions of 50 to 90 minutes with a break of between two brings better results.

Seems there is a lack of time, use cheap essay writing serviceSo, make a schedule of your study sessions and breaks and follow it strictly. Take a break of at least 10 minutes after an hour of study and do some refreshing activity. You will feel energetic and refreshed for the next session. You can use your mobile phone to set study and break timings.>
Make a study plan and stick to it
In the last few days before the exam, you will be tempted to revise as much as possible. In doing so, you may end-up studying one subject hard for long hours. If you don’t stay alert, you may miss other subjects and it can have an adverse effect on your results.

In order to avoid this situation, spend a couple of hours and make a detailed plan with headings and use colors for each section or heading. Remember that a well-written and well-structured plan will motivate you to stick to it. You will come to it every morning as your mind have a subtle attraction to it. If you create a messy plan, you may feel boring or not like following it. So, take your time to think and plan well on paper and stick to it with determination.

Utilize break to organize your study space
There will be multiple breaks when you have small 1 to 1.5 hours study sessions. You will have an opportunity to use a break to organize your room, study table, study material, and your personal things.

A clean and organized space will have a positive impact on your mind. Since you wouldn’t have face messy surrounding, your focus will be improved, and you will feel motivated to study more. You can also divide cleaning and organizing tasks in multiple breaks. Once done, you don’t have to worry about them for a couple of days.

Avoid distractions during the study sessions
Distractions are the major cause of the lack of focus for a lot of students. If you are one of them, you need to take action. The best way to avoid distractions is to choose a place where you can study without any disturbance.

The other thing is to avoid checking the phone for social messages and chats. Better to put your phone on silent mode during the study sessions if you can’t help checking it. Those using a laptop or computer for study should close the social media tabs. Avoid them during the study sessions at any cost if you want to concentrate on better results.

Use a break to check social media and messages
As already mentioned, you will have multiple breaks when your study is scheduled in small sessions of 1 to 1.5 hours. So, if you can’t avoid checking social media and chat messages, check them during a break. You can do it twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.

However, you should control your desires and avoid spending more time on the smartphone. Strictly avoid watching long videos. You can save them to view later, but don’t view them during the break. This is because if you view long videos, you will end up taking a break longer then scheduled and will also feel like not taking the next session, especially when the subject is tough. Use breaks smartly to quickly check the notifications and reply only if necessary.

Walk or exercise
This is the best and one of the most recommended activities to effectively utilize a break between two sessions. Everybody knows the benefits of exercise. It improves the flow of blood to your body parts and the brain, making them feel rejoiced and energetic. If you feel weariness and stiffness after finishing a session, you should go out for a walk or have some light exercise. Stretching is the first thing you should do when you take a break.
Going out for a few minutes will also help keep your eyesight sharp. This is because when you spend an hour or more reading your study books, your eyes feel strained by looking continuously at small texts at a closer distance with same focus level. When you go out and see things located at a far distance, your eyes get a chance to adjust their focus level and also move from one to another object. It works like an eye exercise that will keep your eyes healthy.

Meet your friends
You don’t necessarily have to have small 5 to 10 minutes breaks. Take one or two longer breaks of 20 minutes and go out to meet your friends. This is recommended to keep yourself motivated unless you are studying in a group. When you are studying alone, you may want to talk to your friends to avoid the feeling of being isolated and lonely.
You may talk about your progress and problems, but better if you avoid it and talk of something interesting. Use this time to get relaxed and focus on something not related to the study. Forget about the stress of tough and boring subjects for a while and enjoy your time with friends, so that you can return to the study with a calm and fresh mind.

A lot of students go through stressful study hours when the exams are near. But they can make learning an enjoyable task if they make and follow the study and break schedules wisely. Planning and utilizing breaks as suggested in this article would make a huge positive impact on your study and results. Think and act on them.

Best of luck!


Author Bio: Stephanie Ward is an academic writer and editor, expert at writing guides for student
