Women face many barriers when it comes to post-secondary education, and this is especially true in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), as well as in traditionally male-dominated trades like welding. These barriers are even higher for mature female students — those who are at least 24 years old — who are often discriminated against when […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: February 2019

Supporting mature female students enrolling in university STEM programs

It’s time to rethink how foreign languages are taught at universities
Many people underestimate the difficulty involved in learning a language. This is because language acquisition goes beyond comprehension. It also involves socialisation and emotion. The high level of personal engagement this requires is even more challenging at South African universities, where students are struggling to meet the demands of academic life. This situation has compelled […] … learn more→

Hiring a contractor for windows and doors
Updating your windows and doors represents an excellent opportunity to modernize your home – it increases your equity, provides an improvement in the quality of life and will reduce your energy bill in the process. In order to complete the trifecta of benefits you need enlist the services of a windows and doors company, and […] … learn more→

No vacation? Find serenity with these five financial wellness tips
Have you been thinking about money lately? Wondering where to find more? Thinking you could do a better job of managing the dollars you have? If so, you are in good company. Between figuring out how to pay for bills that added up over December holidays, wishing for warmth or a vacation and looking at […] … learn more→

3 things schools should teach about America’s history of white supremacy
When it comes to how deeply embedded racism is in American society, blacks and whites have sharply different views. For instance, 70 percent of whites believe that individual discrimination is a bigger problem than discrimination built into the nation’s laws and institutions. Only 48 percent of blacks believe that is true. Many blacks and whites also fail […] … learn more→

Are CBD oil effects instant? Will you notice the impacts of hemp straight away
CBD oil is very popular right now and people are using it for all kinds of reasons. Some people who suffer from chronic pain conditions are using CBD oils as pain relief medication. While some people are using it to help with mental conditions like anxiety disorders or depression. And some people are using it […] … learn more→

Amazon pullout from NYC shows the perils of partnerships between higher education and business
Amazon’s recent decision to pull out of plans to establish a new headquarters in New York City received a lot of attention. Much of it focused on whether the big tax breaks the company would have gotten as part of the deal were fair and reasonable. Noting that the company would have brought 25,000 new jobs and […] … learn more→

Whatever happened to the good old fashioned academic home page?
How should you present yourself as an academic on the internet? It’s a vexed question. There are just so many options for making a ‘place’ where people can find out more about you that it can be hard to make a decision. I’ve been thinking about this since Blair wrote to me with a question: […] … learn more→

The racial lens blocks vision
Angry student: “Why do I have to learn algebra? I’m only going to be teaching eight year olds!” Me: “Because the parents of eight year olds want their teachers to know more than an eight year old.” –I used to get Education majors quite often in my math courses, before they became cloistered into special […] … learn more→

Drop around for a visit
Having someone come to visit is always nice. Unless they arrive unannounced, or stay too long, or too many people come at once, or… actually, there are a myriad of things that can go wrong with visitors. Visiting researchers can be like that, too: a great boon to a research group when the visit is […] … learn more→