Math departments fail too many calculus students and do not adequately prepare those they pass. That is the message heard from engineering colleges across the country. Calculus has often been viewed as a tool for screening who should be allowed into engineering programs. But it appears to be failing in that regard, too. That is, it is preventing students who should […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: January 2018

Why colleges must change how they teach calculus

Leave a good last impression – the thesis conclusion
Writing the conclusion to the thesis is hard. It’s often done badly. And it’s something that doctoral researchers often get asked to do more work on. Not at all what they/you need. Writing a conclusion is important. The conclusion is that last thing that the examiner reads before they write their report, and it can shape […] … learn more→

Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric is already hurting US higher education
International enrolments at colleges and universities have been a major boost to the US economy in recent years, and have been crucial to ensuring the financial stability of many higher education institutions. According to a 2017 report by the Institute of International Education, there were 1.08 million international students studying in the US in 2016-17, marking […] … learn more→

Why there need to be more autistic characters in children’s books
The children’s writer Michael Morpurgo has written a new novel inspired by his autistic grandson, which is set to be published later this year. Flamingo Boy is set in the Camargue in the south of France during World War II and features a boy who “sees the world differently”. Morpurgo explained how it didn’t occur […] … learn more→

How traditional jobs will change as AI (Artificial Intelligence) takes over
There’s been much discussion over the sweeping digitization happening across the globe in all sectors of the economy. From healthcare to HR, employees are seeing their roles redefined and shuffled to accommodate new technology and practices. There’s been an overwhelming response – both negative and positive – to the aggressive onboarding of technology into workplaces, […] … learn more→

Learn how to play Piano online
In this busy day and age, it feels impossible to find extra time to learn new skills. A lot of people dream of learning to play a new instrument, and the piano has always been one of the most popular instruments that is relatively easy to get started with. Nowadays, it’s difficult to find time […] … learn more→

17 College scholarships with under 500 applicants
Applying for college scholarships can be discouraging when you know that thousands of people with the same qualifications as you are in the application pool. Don’t waste too much time applying for these scholarships with impossible odds. Take a different route and find those that are less competitive. Here is a list of 17 college […] … learn more→

Why we still need to teach young people about the Holocaust
It has been more than 70 years since the Nazi-occupied Auschwitz concentration camp was liberated. Auschwitz was the most notorious of all the concentration camps – where it is believed that more than a million people were systematically exterminated via state systems of execution and torture. Concentration camps were central to the Nazi ideology and victims were mostly Jews, Gypsies, black […] … learn more→

Blood oil: more than half of the oil traded across the world has been stolen
Donald Trump tweeted something true recently. Responding to the protests in Iran, the US president stated that “The people are finally getting wise as to how their money and wealth is being stolen and squandered.” Trump’s point is correct: what vice-president Mike Pence called Iran’s “unelected dictators” really have been stealing the oil that belongs to the […] … learn more→

Another disgraceful resignation, another golden parachute
One of the most infuriating things about higher education is how my bosses are perpetually receiving promotions and pay raises no matter how foul and incompetently they perform my job. Stacked on top of this issue is, when finally their incompetence and or corruption is revealed as so extraordinary that they must be fired (or […] … learn more→