If you are looking into getting better beard growth, there are a few things you should consider. Some of these are diet and lifestyle factors, others depend on the products you use on your beard. We are here to help you out on your quest to grow the perfect beard! Whatever your beard texture is, […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: February 2018

Grow your perfect beard

The case against free higher education: why it is neither just nor ethical
South Africa’s just-ousted Minister of Finance committed another R57 billion to higher education and training over the next three years. In his first (and last – he was removed from the portfolio less than a week later) budget speech, Malusi Gigaba followed through on former president Jacob Zuma’s controversial promise in December last year of fee-free higher education. The […] … learn more→

Six ways to bridge the gap between rich and poor at university
Theresa May’s year-long review of student funding offers a real opportunity to solve the big problems around tuition fees and financial support at UK universities. As part of our research on how young people from different places and backgrounds transition into university, we spoke with more than 180 young people from across Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and each region […] … learn more→

How art merges with maths to explore continuity, change and exotic states
Imagine you could turn a hollow sphere completely inside out – without making a hole, without cutting the material, without making any creases. If you could ever do such a thing, it would rely on a field of mathematics called topology. Kate Scardifileld’s current exhibition Soft Topologies at the UTS Gallery is an example of an artist […] … learn more→

Voiding faculty contracts by “vote”
I believe the sleaziest part of our higher education system is the community college. Yes, the “for profit” schools are arguably close, but I’m a firm believer in integrity, so I give the for-profit sector some slack for making their decisions with profit, and nothing else, in mind. Community colleges, on the other hand, are […] … learn more→

We must drop the ‘arts’ vs ‘science’ narrative
Education for the creative industries has been rapidly growing for many years. New and innovative further and higher education courses, such as creative coding and technology and creative business management, have been introduced to keep ahead of the exploding demands of the world we live in. However, debate around the government’s post-18 education review shows […] … learn more→

We need to talk about disability and chronic illness during the PhD
As we go through life (and for many of us, go through a PhD), we naturally accumulate adversities. When a new hardship rolls around I tend to respond in three steps: Step 1: Grieve. All seven stages. Step 2: Find a community of people also afflicted by my hardship, whether online or off. Step 3: […] … learn more→

Why Trump’s idea to arm teachers may miss the mark
President Donald Trump’s proposal to arm teachers has sparked substantial public debate. As researchers of consumer culture and lead authors of a recent study of how Americans use and view firearms for self-defense, we argue that while carrying a gun may reduce the risk of being powerless during an attack, it also introduces substantial and overlooked risks to the carrier and […] … learn more→

White genocide advocate Professor resigns
It’s so weird how much hatred there is of white people on campuses nowadays, at least some campuses. I’ve addressed this before, but the main reason for it is the white-haters, once they reach critical mass, push out all the rest, leaving no room for anything on our campuses but hatred. One such campus is […] … learn more→

Exploring the importance of computer education in school
You would think in this day and age that just about everyone would know how to use a computer or connect to Wi-Fi. Well, you might be surprised to learn that this isn’t exactly true. In fact, technology has somewhat struggled to find its way into the classroom in a variety of ways. Many teachers […] … learn more→