Success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan: this phrase, attributed to US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, is quite universal. We like to be successful in life and, above all, nobody wants to fail. However, in life you don’t always win. Many times it is lost. There are people who, when they lose, in their way of […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: October 2022

To what do we attribute our failures?

We took away due dates for university assignments. Here’s what we found
As university students around the country finish their final exams and assessments for the year, the idea of removing due dates might seem incredibly appealing. Being more open-ended about when assignments are submitted may also seem like the logical next step for universities. Even before COVID-19, they have been looking for ways to make learning […] … learn more→

What children understand about death – and how to tell them about it
Mom, what happens after death? Few parents have never had to deal with this kind of question. However, it remains very difficult to assess what is the best response to it. Should you openly talk about your own convictions – whether you are a believer, agnostic, or atheist? And is there any harm in prettifying things? Recent research in developmental […] … learn more→

The teacher has a mania for me: excuse or reality?
Imagine the following situation: Inés, an English teacher, enters the classroom on her first day of class. After a glance at her group of students, she notices the two boys sitting in the back row. Turning around to write on the blackboard creates a certain ruckus. Inés turns, with the purpose of restoring order, and to whom […] … learn more→

T-Levels: more vocational courses roll out – but post-16 choices in England are still limited
The first cohort of students in England taking T-levels – the new vocational equivalent to A-levels – have completed their course, been assessed, and have received their results. Now more course options for T-levels are being rolled out. The initial offerings were in construction, digital production and education and childcare. By 2025, there will be […] … learn more→

How Hitler conspiracies and other Holocaust disinformation undermine democratic institutions
Godwin’s Law posits that any online argument, if it continues long enough, will inevitably invoke a comparison to Hitler. Perhaps there should be an updated version: If you examine any given conspiracy theory, even seemingly innocuous ones, it won’t be long until you find coded and explicit antisemitism. Some cases are obvious. Remember how far-right U.S. […] … learn more→

Rap artists have penned plenty of lyrics about US presidents – this course examines what they say about Reagan and the 1980s
Title of course: “Rap, Reagan and the 1980s” What prompted the idea for the course? Actually, it was Donald Trump’s Make America Great Again movement. People seemed shocked by his campaign slogan. But it wasn’t the first time in the U.S. that an entertainer had acted as a populist politician to win the allegiance of working-class […] … learn more→

Why should writing be learned in the classroom?
Students’ education has been disrupted around the world by the Covid-19 crisis. In France, distance education imposed by confinement situations has thus increased educational inequalities linked to the social origins of children and adolescents. Beyond the digital divide relating to the material conditions of equipment, the differences in the uses of language, orally and even more so in writing, have undermined […] … learn more→

Why do people have slips of the tongue?
Have you visited Yew Nork? Does your stummy ache? What dog of bag food will we get? In case you’ve wondered what causes such speech errors or slips of the tongue, you might like to know that all speakers – of all ages and abilities – make them sometimes. Even people who use a sign language produce […] … learn more→

Citizens’ social media can provide an antidote to propaganda and disinformation
In early October, the Pew Research Center released a report called “The Role of Alternative Social Media in the News and Information Environment.” While the report is well-researched and reveals a great deal about the current state of digital media, news and right-wing propaganda, it is wrong about alternative social media. The report focuses on […] … learn more→