Tag Archives: stress

Stress causes clogs in coffee and coal

It\’s easy to get in a jam. But it\’s much harder to explain exactly how or when it started. Scientists still aren\’t sure what causes clogs in flowing macroscopic particles, like corn, coffee beans and coal chunks. But new experiments by Duke physicist Robert Behringer and his colleagues suggest that when particles undergo a force […] … learn more→

Relief from \”parking wars\”

For those who live or work in cities, parking is a major source of stress and frustration. Researchers estimate that for every 110 vehicles circulating on the roads looking for spaces, there are 100 available spots, both in lots and on the street. Now Nadav Levy, a Ph.D. student at Tel Aviv University\’s Porter School […] … learn more→

Simplicity series: What does it mean to simplify your life? (Part 1)

Getting to simplicity can often be a journey of two steps forward, and one backward. Fortunately, world.edu\’s Rebecca Sargent is a few steps further ahead than most and is here to share her knowledge and experience with our community. In the first installment of her simplicity series, Rebecca looks into what it really means to simplify your life. … learn more→